Sir lastnail wrote on Jun 5
th, 2023 at 9:52pm:
AusGeoff wrote on Jun 4
th, 2023 at 12:35am:
So you're forced to admit—yet AGAIN—that
you have no
evidence proving what the bloke died from, or with?
Are these nonsensical anonymous memes
really the best
stuff you can dig up to support [
sic] your own absurd
You really
are a dickhead aren't you mate.
Well you're quite welcome to prove it to the contrary f.ckarse
Too easy...
A two vehicle accident caused a fatality Monday morning in Dallas County.According to the Iowa State Patrol, deputies responded to the
incident at approximately 09:46am on 28506 East Highway 44 in
Dallas Center. The report shows that a 2021 Chevrolet pickup truck
was headed west on Highway 44 when the driver, 69-year-old
Michael Remus from Grimes stopped for other turning traffic
when a Kenworth Concrete Mixer driven by 32-year-old Kodi
Hoback from Grimes rear ended the vehicle. Michael Remus was
pronounced dead at the scene and the passenger Julie Remus was
transported by the Dallas County EMS to the Methodist Hospital for
—Racoon Valley Radio, 22 May 2023. So... again you've posted another claim about someone
allegedly dying from a COVID vaccination, and it was a simple matter to
prove you wrong. This is typical of all the other absurd memes you
post here—all with
NO evidence for the cause of death, let alone
vaccination as a cause.
I've exposed you as a phony and a falsifier of information. If you'd
done your own due diligence with this, you now wouldn't be looking
like the gullible fool you are. Grow up or go away.