Jasin wrote on Jun 5
th, 2023 at 1:14am:
Well I've seen enough.
I don't really think you have mate. You've just unthinkingly accepted the
pandemic bullshit spewed out daily by all the conspiracy web sites, and
often posted here by ignorant people like Sir Lastnail, for example.
Jasin wrote on Jun 5
th, 2023 at 1:14am:
...but we all know that people just dropping like flies for no reason, unlike any time before the global 'mandatory' vaccinations (to prevent on-going lock-downs of natural prevention and get people back to work for 'the Economy') - is not normal in the least.
Nope. "We"
don't know that people are dropping like flies. There
is no empirical evidence supporting this claim. It's simply another
myth posited by the many ant-vaccination sites out there, and has
no association with accredited research and/or global statistics.
Spike in deaths in Australia from COVID illnesses, not vaccine.
If you wish to claim that the COVID vaccines have directly caused
the deaths of an increased number of Aussies, then please post
links confirming this. I'll await you response.
Jasin wrote on Jun 5
th, 2023 at 1:14am:
I can't see how anyone on this Forum can dismiss these athletes collapsing, let alone umpires and refs and even relaxed golfers - as 'coincidental'.
Again, you've ignored verified statistics.....
Quote:A comprehensive, much referenced, publicly available list of health
issues, emergencies, and SCA/SCD in athletes from January 2021
to December 2022 was analysed. Demographic data, country, type
of sport, vaccination status, and possible association between
reported medical events and vaccination were evaluated for the
complete set of athletes.
The list contained 1,653 entries. (Former) athletes, aged 5-86
years, from 99 countries, participated in 61 different sports. In
multiple cases, causes of and circumstances surrounding medical
events were irretrievable. Many cases involved non-cardiovascular,
exercise-unrelated aetiologies [causes].
The sudden cardiac death (SCD) rate among young US athletes in
2021-2022 was comparable to pre-pandemic estimates. There is
currently NO evidence to substantiate a link between (mRNA)
COVID-19 vaccination and SCD in young athletes.
medRxiv, BMJ, Yale, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 13 February 2023.If you believe that the COVID vaccines are causing an increased
death rate among athletes, then you need to post a couple of
links to accredited sources—rather than to conspiracy theorist sites.