I have to laugh!
EVERY time a thread mentions US firearms laws or the
2nd Amendment, out crawls Panther from under his
rock. He refuses to acknowledge the dire situation the
US finds itself in with regard to its massive death toll from
guns—the worst in any first world country, and even
many third-world countries.
• America has the weakest gun laws and the most
guns—393 million—of any comparable nation.
• The US accounts for just
4% of the world’s
population but
35% of global firearm suicides.
• Americans are
25 times more likely to be killed in a
gun homicide than people in other high-income countries.
To date this year in the US, there have been
8,305gun homicides, and
10,758 gun suicides, with
290mass shootings (4+ deaths).
I openly challenge Panther to respond to these
data, and explain exactly how he can morally justify
the tenets of the 2nd Amendment. I also ask him if
he's unperturbed by the number of firearm deaths,
and in particular the deaths of
794 innocent children?