Brian Ross wrote on Jul 4
th, 2023 at 5:30pm:
All of it is bullshit, Unsub. First up, you have problems with "Aide to the Civil Power problems and how the military reacts to orders to shoot Australians, then you have problems with understanding the limits of the Government and what it can order the military to do. Then you need to grow up about what your fellow Australians are capable of. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
No, I don't know what the "Aid to the Civil Power" entails. So, I googled a pdf of the article: having read the 5 pages of information related, unless you find that this article does not have relevance to what you are talking about, I can assume at best that the army can be used to prevent large-scale domestic violence issues in a certain region.
And I have witnessed the army being used to conduct this matter, about 23 or 24 years ago in Rockhampton. Can't remember? I can. It was part of the reason why Rockhamptonites started having the white supremacist tag attached to the community. Just recently, the label had been reattached to the community with the vigilante groups going around harassing alleged car thieves.
I have even posted this as a form of unbiased analysis of threatening to use the military against indigenous people:
Quote:Could you imagine the international outcry we Australians of all ethnicity would face in the world scrutiny, if our army even tried to kill a single indigenous Australia, in the name of public order? Indigenous people all over the country would not just protest. They would riot like crazy.
I am actually surprised that you called "bullshit" on that, Brian. International condemnation would fall upon Australians for allowing this kind of violence to take place. If the army is required to quell rioting by indigenous people, it is obvious that the local police are not equipped to handle something large scale. And even if the army and the police use body camera footage to video document the suppression of violence among indigenous people, internationally, the world will react with accusations of genocide if more than one indigenous person gets killed.
I do not know what kind of perception you have of Australians. However, we Australians are a pretty egalitarian bunch of people. A considerable number of Australian people would side with the underdog getting done over, if it came down to 50/50 justifications of violence conducted by the army/police.