Aussie wrote on Jul 6
th, 2023 at 6:17pm:
...and you Gonads are happy to make allowances for Jews to be gifted and to take over a lump of land they now call Israel, yet you cannot lift a finger to give a nod to the poor bastards we violently dispossessed so you could live happily beside the crappy mudflats at low tide. Why is that?
Because you also wouldn't know shyte from clay Arsie.... you descredited shyster.
The Jews weren't gifted anything ... they had as much right & history as Arabs to be there.
It's just the Arabs needed to be convinced of that.
I wouldn't give the nod to any ethnic or racial group to special dispensation in the Constitution.
Violently disposed? Wake up to yourself you knucklehead. I'd suggest they wouldn't really know what violent dispossession was.
And dopey they weren't the only ones throughout the history of humankind ... they could have had it far worse.
You've become a virtue signaling softcock who has fallen for the emotional blackmail of the Yes campaign hypocritical arseholes.