Aussie wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 7:26pm: Frank wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 7:06pm: Aussie wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 6:34pm: Frank wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 6:20pm: Aussie wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 6:15pm: thegreatdivide wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 6:02pm: Aussie wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 3:48pm: Belgarion wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 3:39pm: Aussie wrote on Jul 8 th, 2023 at 1:34pm: I don't give a flying fu ck what those morons say....I never have, so I am damned if I am going to start now. Have you ever taken any notice of anything any of them has said before? Me...I'd never heard of Mayo until his name popped up here, and who the fu ck is either of the other two? You may not give a flying f......k but those of us with any sort of critical thinking skills certainly do. Listen to what a constitutional law expert on the government advisory committee for the voice has to say. From 4.30, tell us again how we will not be personally affected and have nothing to worry about. What do you reckon the Lawyer said? I heard his words, and I know what he said and meant....I am very interested to hear how you interpreted what he said. I have to say, re prof. Craven's opinion, ie, "the voice can become involved in everything from submarines to parking tickets" is correct, depending on whether 'aboriginal land' is involved or not. Yes....and what is the problem? We all here rave on and give advice to Government, and guess what...we are ignored. Same same. We are not in the Constitution with recourse to the High Court, Arrsie. Of course we are, and if any idiot was dumb enough to get all pissed off about freediver censoring or allowing naughty stuff like defamation to stand published, we DO have ultimate recourse to the High Court. That is what you just don't understand. The High Court is there to sort out disputes about things like freedom of speech and interpretation of legislation, and the Constitution. That is its bloody boring hum drum soup of the day, day job, you idiot. Spoken like a thick taxi driver with delusions of adequacy. The High Court will review your banning by fd, Arrsie, just take a number and hold your breath. The functions of the High Court are to interpret and apply the law of Australia; to decide cases of special federal significance including challenges to the constitutional validity of laws and to hear appeals, by special leave, from Federal, State and Territory courts. The closest you have ever been to a lawyer was when you appeared in court on drink-driving charges or some similar petty offence, Arrsie. You are proudly unfocused and erratic. If I were to take a point about 'freedom of speech,' and have the bank roll of Palmer, the High Court could do exactly what I said. Note the word 'could.' That is precisely the point. 'Could.' Any moron can knock on the door.....anyone...even you. You are unmoored as it is, stop drifting hopelessly, Arrsie.