Been done already - read it.
Now for the REAL meat!
Throwing that insult around with gay abandon requires an apology from Aussie and PillPerth - some time about NOW!
Apparently there is an accusation of a minor sexual assault during consensual sex, made six weeks after the event when the accuser found out who was who in her bed - and immediately thought - "Fame and fortune!".
Think of it now - anonymous while Il Bruce is hung, drawn and quartered (he has a history of no convictions, you understand) - the 'go public, with a book deal, film rights, and a 'foundation' set up at someone else's expense to 'further the cause of rape of women' etc.... and which just happens to pay its founder - say - a quarter of a mill or so salary annually plus all perks!
My god how the money rolls in when you grab a popular and unthinking cause by the balls and run with it!!
Apology first - you foul-mouthed, foul-minded ideologues totally distraught over the loss of Higginsgate, then Voicegate, then Aussiegate (the wild accusation of changing his link). And PillPerth - one of the more rabid, narrow-minded, least sought after opinionists on the planet....