Aussie wrote on Aug 19
th, 2023 at 8:53am:
issuevoter wrote on Aug 19
th, 2023 at 7:03am:
Lydia Thorpe was adressing the National Press Club, which has significant influence. They lapped it up.
I was watching it. If you have ever seen Press Club addresses, the room is usually crammed. This time it was visible bare.
I listened to the Blak Bitch and every time she openede her mouth, it was clear she was delusional.
Boil her point down and she has the expectation that Governments will have a separate Treaty with
each Abo Tribe and
each Abo tribe will be paid billions for reparations and also
each Abo Tribe will be given sovereignty over what they say is their land.
Does one word of that sound even remotely like EVER happening?
If we allow it, it will. They are taking a bit at a time, whenever they are able to.
mothra wrote on Aug 19
th, 2023 at 8:58am:
There is no suggestion on further monetary input from the Voice.
Sure there is, on a regular basis, from the people who are promoting the voicing and position themselves to be at the centre of it.
Quote:What there is is the potential for money that is currently being mismanaged actually being directed to areas of actual need.
You are so naive Mothra. What makes you think an unelected body that claims to represent a bunch of people based on nothing more than the colour of their skin is going to solve corruption, when it has corruption designed into it?
Quote:Is she at risk of harming anyone?
She is a lunatic in a position of power. She is a danger to everyone.