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The Biden Crime Family (Read 7099 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #15 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:17pm
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:00pm:
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:17am:
Joe Biden regularly met with his son’s foreign clients, particularly those from China and Ukraine,” Schweizer writes.

The Burisma revelations have damaged the US reputation abroad. Sali Berisha, a former prime minster of Albania, tells The Australian it was a “crystal clear conflict of interest because Ukraine was a client state of the US government”.  “The son should never have been involved in businesses with Ukraine and government as long as US government was dealing so intensively with Ukraine.”

Trump was relentlessly attacked, baselessly as it turned out, for being a “Russian asset” during his presidency, beholden to Moscow because of alleged videos of him with prostitutes, which ultimately were a fabricated commission of the Clinton 2016 presidential campaign known as the Steele dossier.

It would be ironic if it ended up being Joe Biden who was the one compromised, not by Russia, but Ukraine, to which the US has provided more than $US110bn in aid since February 2022.

“Both the alleged offence, as well as the strength of the evidence, are far more egregious in the case of Biden than for Trump’s phone call,” Abrahms says.

Oh, old boy, you are naughty regurgitating the Australian's cut and pastes from Fox.

Silly bollocks from a silly paki arse bandit.

Adam Creighton
Adam Creighton is an award-winning journalist with a special interest in tax and financial policy. He was a Journalist in Residence at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business in 2019. He’s written for The Economist and The Wall Street Journal from London and Washington DC, and authored book chapters on superannuation for Oxford University Press. He started his career at the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. He holds a Bachelor of Economics with First Class Honours from the University of New South Wales, and Master of Philosophy in Economics from Balliol College, Oxford, where he was a Commonwealth Scholar.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #16 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:22pm
As Speaker, Democrat Nancy Pelosi was incensed that Trump had asked his newly elected counterpart to look into whether then vice-president Joe Biden in 2016 had pressured Ukraine to sack its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been nosing around Burisma, a shady Ukrainian gas company whose board Hunter Biden joined in May 2014.

“I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time,” Trump told Zelensky, a remark that formed the basis of Democrat bribery allegation against Trump, who had put $US400m in aid to Ukraine on hold only a week or two earlier.

“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do … would be great,” he added.

There’s even more talk about it four years later, after a welter of new evidence, including Hunter Biden’s laptop, bank records, FBI documents and congressional testimony, emerged that suggest not only had Biden corruptly leaned on Ukraine, but that he had for years been the golden goose atop an unseemly operation of peddling family influence.

In March, the Republican-controlled House Oversight Committee, after poring over hundreds of documents subpoenaed from US banks, found that Hunter Biden, James Biden (the President’s brother), Hallie Biden (his daughter-in-law) and an unknown “Biden” were paid $US1.1m between 2015 and 2017 from funds ultimately coming from State Energy HK, a Chinese company.

READ MORE: Biden ‘used pseudonyms in emails over Ukraine’ | Biden family ‘rake in $30m from foreigners’: GOP | Son puts Biden in Republican impeachment crosshairs | US voters deserve facts on Biden | Hunter Biden plea talks break down | Hunter Biden is a geopolitical disaster ... it could get worse

In April, the committee said six more family members had received such payments. In May, it revealed the Bidens and family associates had created about 20 shell companies to receive more than $US10m from foreign national companies, including in China.

In June, two Internal Revenue Service whistleblowers produced WhatsApp messages under oath allegedly from Hunter Biden to Chinese businessman and Communist Party official Henry Zhao in 2017. “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter ­allegedly wrote.

In July, Republican senator Chuck Grassley released an FBI document the agency had been fighting to keep under wraps that described how a long-time “highly credible” although unverified source told the agency in 2020 that Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky had reportedly said he had paid $US5m each to Joe and Hunter Biden for their help in removing Shokin.

By August, the House committee had found more than $US20m in payments, including from China, Romania, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine to Biden family and related accounts, including one for $US3.5m from Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina in February 2014. A few months later Baturina dined with Joe and Hunter Biden in Washington.

Interestingly, she was among a small group of Russian oligarchs not sanctioned last year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Also in August, Devon Archer, a former close friend and business partner of Hunter, who was similarly paid millions of dollars for his role on the board of Burisma, told the committee without “the Biden brand” Burisma “would have gone out of business”, and that Joe Biden had dined with Burisma executives in 2015 in Washington.

Hunter had put his dad on speaker phone about 20 times in front of his foreign business associates, Devon added in congressional testimony, stressing that the conversations, although “about the geography, about the weather”, were “a signal that they respected and thought was of value”.

A 2011 letter from Joe Biden to Devon Archer has since emerged too, in which the then vice-president said he was “happy you guys are together”, a seeming reference to their budding business relationships. “I hope I get a chance to see you again soon with Hunter,” he added.

Joe Biden’s repeated claims of never talking about business with his son, or having any knowledge of it, have been obliterated.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #17 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:24pm
“I’ve never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Joe Biden said on the campaign trail in 2019. “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China,” Joe Biden said in 2020 in his pre-election debate with Donald Trump.

No wonder White House spokeswoman Karine Jean Pierre last month changed the form of words she had been using to dismiss questions about the Biden family finances: shifting from “never knowing anything about his son’s business” to “never in business with his son”.

This year’s evidence of influence peddling and potentially even bribery come on top of evidence in Hunter Biden’s infamous “laptop from hell”, which was left in a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019, before being handed to the New York Post a year later.

Far from being Russian “disinformation”, as intelligence experts and Joe Biden himself alleged, it provided an extraordinary trove of correspondence that suggested Joe Biden himself had benefited from his son’s business dealings.

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary,” Hunter wrote to his daughter.

Another email from a business colleague to Hunter flagged a proposed business deal with CEFC China Energy would set aside 10 per cent of the gains for “the big guy”, a term found 41 times on the laptop.

For all the mounting evidence, Democrats remain adamant that unless bank records emerge that show direct deposits of funds from foreigners into Joe Biden’s bank account no wrongdoing, let alone anything criminal, has occurred.

Influence peddling is unseemly, regardless of whether Hunter Biden ultimately broke the law. Picture: AFP
Influence peddling is unseemly, regardless of whether Hunter Biden ultimately broke the law. Picture: AFP
Regardless, the idea the First Family wasn’t selling their influence for profit, including when Joe Biden was vice-president, now appears absurd, especially given not even Democrats can point to any discernible service Hunter or the broader family were providing to justify such huge payments over many years.

Influence peddling is unseemly, regardless of whether Hunter Biden ultimately broke the law by ignoring a requirement to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which a separate US Justice Department investigation into him may yet find. But if the foreign money influenced US foreign policy, such as US support for the war in Ukraine, the Bidens could be at the centre of one of the biggest political scandals ever.

Max Abrahms, a professor of political science at Boston’s Northeastern University who has a special interest in the relationship between foreign policy, bribery and corruption, has been studying the evidence surrounding Joe Biden’s behaviour in 2016 and since for more than a year.

“There isn’t any doubt in my mind that (Shokin) was fired because of Burisma links, and the reason I say that is because the Biden family was being paid millions of dollars from Burisma,” he tells The Australian in an interview, suggesting the Ukrainian government had “kompromat” (damaging information) on the president.

“I’m not saying that Joe wouldn’t support the war, but what I am saying is that I don’t believe that Joe Biden has complete freedom of movement if he wanted to dramatically pull back American support for Ukraine,” he explains, explosively.

To be sure, Joe Biden in 2018 himself bragged that he was practically solely responsible for Shokin’s sacking. “I said, you’re not getting the billion (dollars). I’m leaving here in six hours, if the prosecutor’s not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden said at a speech at the Council of Foreign Relations.

Donald Trump’s hunch is looking better by the month. Since Trump’s phone call prompted Nancy Pelosi to launch impeachment proceedings in late 2019, a deluge of articles in US media to discredit Shokin emerged, claiming he was not in fact investigating Burisma at the time of his sacking.

In a new twist, earlier this month a video interview emerged from early 2020 between French journalist Olivier Berruyer and the reclusive Shokin, 71, in which the Ukrainian insists he was pursuing Burisma, pointing out that two weeks before he was removed from office he had seized the assets of the ­Burisma founder.

“The depiction of these investigations as ‘dormant’ has nothing to do with the reality of the facts,” Shokin says in the video. “I understand very well that the US has one of the best intelligence services in the world and, of course, the investigation into Burisma was closely monitored, not only by legal means, but also illegal.”
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #18 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:25pm
Devon Archer agreed with Shokin in an interview with Tucker Carlson published earlier this month: “He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of Zlochevsky – a house, some cars, a couple of properties. And (Zlochevsky) actually never went back to Ukraine,” he said.

The US State Department has denied a visa to Shokin to visit the US. “There was a lot of bullshit co-ordination between Biden and other important figures in the international community, who basically corroborated his narrative that Shokin had to be fired because of his corruption – personally, methodologically, I would discount any statements by any official about Shokin after he was fired,” Abrahms says. “For me, the real scandal, as an American, is just how there’s such a lack of curiosity. It all reflects badly not just on the institution of the vice-president but the American media,” he adds, shocked at the double standards applied to Trump and Biden.

Indeed, the evidence of corruption against the Biden family that has emerged may have only scratched the surface. Best-selling author Peter Schweizer, in his 2022 book Red Handed, laid out some suspicious and brazen business dealing of Hunter Biden during and after his father was vice-president, including with Chinese businesses close to the Communist Party leadership.

Joe Biden maintained private phone lines at his official residence paid for by Hunter and his business associates, while Hunter declined secret service protection on certain overseas trips but not others.

“Joe Biden regularly met with his son’s foreign clients, particularly those from China and Ukraine,” Schweizer writes.

The Burisma revelations have damaged the US reputation abroad. Sali Berisha, a former prime minster of Albania, tells The Australian it was a “crystal clear conflict of interest because Ukraine was a client state of the US government”.

“The son should never have been involved in businesses with Ukraine and government as long as US government was dealing so intensively with Ukraine.”

Trump was relentlessly attacked, baselessly as it turned out, for being a “Russian asset” during his presidency, beholden to Moscow because of alleged videos of him with prostitutes, which ultimately were a fabricated commission of the Clinton 2016 presidential campaign known as the Steele dossier.

It would be ironic if it ended up being Joe Biden who was the one compromised, not by Russia, but Ukraine, to which the US has provided more than $US110bn in aid since February 2022.

“Both the alleged offence, as well as the strength of the evidence, are far more egregious in the case of Biden than for Trump’s phone call,” Abrahms says.


You'd never read or hear about this from the ABC or the Granuiad.

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« Last Edit: Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:35pm by Frank »  

Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #19 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:15pm
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:17pm:
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:00pm:
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:17am:
Joe Biden regularly met with his son’s foreign clients, particularly those from China and Ukraine,” Schweizer writes.

The Burisma revelations have damaged the US reputation abroad. Sali Berisha, a former prime minster of Albania, tells The Australian it was a “crystal clear conflict of interest because Ukraine was a client state of the US government”.  “The son should never have been involved in businesses with Ukraine and government as long as US government was dealing so intensively with Ukraine.”

Trump was relentlessly attacked, baselessly as it turned out, for being a “Russian asset” during his presidency, beholden to Moscow because of alleged videos of him with prostitutes, which ultimately were a fabricated commission of the Clinton 2016 presidential campaign known as the Steele dossier.

It would be ironic if it ended up being Joe Biden who was the one compromised, not by Russia, but Ukraine, to which the US has provided more than $US110bn in aid since February 2022.

“Both the alleged offence, as well as the strength of the evidence, are far more egregious in the case of Biden than for Trump’s phone call,” Abrahms says.

Oh, old boy, you are naughty regurgitating the Australian's cut and pastes from Fox.

Silly bollocks from a silly paki arse bandit.

Adam Creighton is doing exactly what he was paid to do, dear boy: campaign for Rupert. You have no dirt on Biden. Talking to his one remaining son on speakerphone is not grounds for corruption, it's just dumb.

Trying to catch Biden out on the line that he never ever spoke to his son's business partners is hysterical amateur theatrics. Good show.

Joe Biden never ever profited from his son's business dealings. We know this because, as Wombat below has kindly pointed out, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability spent four months combing through Joe Biden's income, tax and bank records. They released their report last month: nothing.

Now, this does not rule out Sleepy Joe, 80, changing his lifelong behaviour as an elected public official with nearly 60 years in the game and a reputation as being totally straight. 

Despite the money he's put away from giving speeches and selling books and the guaranteed pension he'll get as prez, he might think, no. Where's the fun in that?

Sleepy Joe might decide that what he really wants for the last few years of his life is millions of dollars stashed away in offshore bank accounts. Sure, he'll never be able to buy a luxury yacht or be allowed to walk around with a Rolex (too flashy), but the temptation of having millions of dollars hidden in his attic might just be too much to bear, so we can't rule it out.

But do you know? Until then, we only have the truth: Sleepy Joe's clean. His son Hunter, a grown-up, does his own thing, smoking crack, doing deals, and trying to get by as the black sheep of the family. Unlike other Dear Leaders you don't like mentioning, Hunter's never been employed by his dad. He's totally free to own laptops, get high-paying overseas jobs, and broker deals in America, Chi-na, or wherever he likes.

Americans are like that, you see. They like doing deals and making money. You'll find your Dear Leader's kids are no different, they just normally make their money through dad, which is how he likes it.

Now, Hunter is guilty of smoking crack, being chucked out of the navy, and being busted for having a crack pipe. When the media ramped up and all the crazies started trolling him, Hunter went and got himself a gun. All legit, he applied for a license.

Problem is, the license has all these boxes you have to tick. Are you mad? No. Are you a DV perp? No. Are you a criminal? No. Are you a junkie?

Hunter just went down the list ticking no. And because of that - the laptop, the media, all the hysteria, the Republicans complained about the box he ticked on his gun form. GUILTY.

So Hunter's now a criminal, and he's back in court. He did a deal with the DA, but the Republicans complained again and the judge got tough.

So that's that. This is everything. How do we know? Again, Wombat referred us to the congressional report. Yes, there are exiled Russians and Ukrainian prosecutors Sleepy Joe pissed off as VP who are making all kinds of claims - "the big guy", "dumber than my dog", etc.

But none of these claims were proven where it matters - in Hunter and Sleepy Joe's bank, tax and business records which a Congressional Committee of politically desperate Republicans spent four months scouring, along with a former hotshot prosecutor of white collar crime. 

So either the Bidens are smarter than Putin and can make their billions magically disappear, or things are just as they appear: Joe's a cleanskin, Hunter's got his "issues". Being targeted as enemy number one can't help those issues, I guess, so Joe feels for the kid, taking his calls and trying to help him stay positive. He blames himself.

Hunter may feel the same way at times, hence the calls with the business partners, shooting the breeze. Joe never made a cent from those calls, and judging by Hunter's bank account, neither did we. How do we know?

Wombat said. He directed us to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

Wombat's honest, you see. He has integrity.

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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #20 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:37pm
Silly paki arse bandit nonsense.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #21 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:40pm
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 5:25pm:
Devon Archer agreed with Shokin in an interview with Tucker Carlson published earlier this month: “He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of Zlochevsky – a house, some cars, a couple of properties. And (Zlochevsky) actually never went back to Ukraine,” he said.

The US State Department has denied a visa to Shokin to visit the US. “There was a lot of bullshit co-ordination between Biden and other important figures in the international community, who basically corroborated his narrative that Shokin had to be fired because of his corruption – personally, methodologically, I would discount any statements by any official about Shokin after he was fired,” Abrahms says. “For me, the real scandal, as an American, is just how there’s such a lack of curiosity. It all reflects badly not just on the institution of the vice-president but the American media,” he adds, shocked at the double standards applied to Trump and Biden.

Indeed, the evidence of corruption against the Biden family that has emerged may have only scratched the surface. Best-selling author Peter Schweizer, in his 2022 book Red Handed, laid out some suspicious and brazen business dealing of Hunter Biden during and after his father was vice-president, including with Chinese businesses close to the Communist Party leadership.

Joe Biden maintained private phone lines at his official residence paid for by Hunter and his business associates, while Hunter declined secret service protection on certain overseas trips but not others.

“Joe Biden regularly met with his son’s foreign clients, particularly those from China and Ukraine,” Schweizer writes.

The Burisma revelations have damaged the US reputation abroad. Sali Berisha, a former prime minster of Albania, tells The Australian it was a “crystal clear conflict of interest because Ukraine was a client state of the US government”.

“The son should never have been involved in businesses with Ukraine and government as long as US government was dealing so intensively with Ukraine.”

Trump was relentlessly attacked, baselessly as it turned out, for being a “Russian asset” during his presidency, beholden to Moscow because of alleged videos of him with prostitutes, which ultimately were a fabricated commission of the Clinton 2016 presidential campaign known as the Steele dossier.

It would be ironic if it ended up being Joe Biden who was the one compromised, not by Russia, but Ukraine, to which the US has provided more than $US110bn in aid since February 2022.

“Both the alleged offence, as well as the strength of the evidence, are far more egregious in the case of Biden than for Trump’s phone call,” Abrahms says.


You'd never read or hear about this from the ABC or the Granuiad.

I know. Just Tucker, fired from Fox for you-know-what, and Peter Schweizer, of Hillary and Uranium One fame - a plot he admits he misfired.

Both are paid political "consultants", who put their name to various plots they cook up and spruik. Strangely, Tucker used to hit Hunter up for favours and act all chummy.

“I talked to him many times about addiction, something I know a lot about. And I’ve said that. I think that Hunter Biden is an addict and that’s why his life is falling apart, and I feel bad for him. I’ve said that many times, and I mean it.”

Ah, the good old days. You'd never read or hear about this in the Australian or Fox News, eh?

How's that integrity, old boy? Is that what you call it when you publicly crucify an old family friend for ratings?

Or is it when you need an excuse to hold back releasing the laptop from hell story?
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #22 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:56pm
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:37pm:
Silly paki arse bandit nonsense.

Yes, you said that, old boy, but the subject on everyone's lips these days is integrity, an old favourite of yours, I know.

So please forgive me, but I'm curious. How do you square your professed outrage over Sleepy Joe Biden's rumoured corruption with your own Dear Leader's outright criminality?

It might be best to do this as a multiple choice. Is it:

a) Dear Leader's completely innocent. WITCH HUNT!

b) Okay, he's a bit corrupt, but so what? They all do it.

c) Corruption's okay. We'll legalise it when Dear Leader gets in.

d) It's not corruption if Dear Leader does it.

e) A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #23 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:58pm
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:40pm:
I know. Just Tucker, fired from Fox for you-know-what, and Peter Schweizer, of Hillary and Uranium One fame - a plot he admits he misfired.

Both are paid political "consultants", who put their name to various plots they cook up and spruik. Strangely, Tucker used to hit Hunter up for favours and act all chummy.

“I talked to him many times about addiction, something I know a lot about. And I’ve said that. I think that Hunter Biden is an addict and that’s why his life is falling apart, and I feel bad for him. I’ve said that many times, and I mean it.”

Ah, the good old days. You'd never read or hear about this in the Australian or Fox News, eh?

How's that integrity, old boy? Is that what you call it when you publicly crucify an old family friend for ratings?

Or is it when you need an excuse to hold back releasing the laptop from hell story?

That's a lot of paki hinty-hinty gibberish just for 10 rupees and a banana.
Have two.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 43948
Gender: male
Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #24 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:00pm
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:56pm:
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:37pm:
Silly paki arse bandit nonsense.

Yes, you said that, old boy, but the subject on everyone's lips these days is integrity, an old favourite of yours, I know.

So please forgive me, but I'm curious. How do you square your professed outrage over Sleepy Joe Biden's rumoured corruption with your own Dear Leader's outright criminality?

It might be best to do this as a multiple choice. Is it:

a) Dear Leader's completely innocent. WITCH HUNT!

b) Okay, he's a bit corrupt, but so what? They all do it.

c) Corruption's okay. We'll legalise it when Dear Leader gets in.

d) It's not corruption if Dear Leader does it.

e) A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.

Stupid gweggy turdy nonsense.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 94747
Gender: male
Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #25 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:12pm
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:58pm:
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:40pm:
I know. Just Tucker, fired from Fox for you-know-what, and Peter Schweizer, of Hillary and Uranium One fame - a plot he admits he misfired.

Both are paid political "consultants", who put their name to various plots they cook up and spruik. Strangely, Tucker used to hit Hunter up for favours and act all chummy.

“I talked to him many times about addiction, something I know a lot about. And I’ve said that. I think that Hunter Biden is an addict and that’s why his life is falling apart, and I feel bad for him. I’ve said that many times, and I mean it.”

Ah, the good old days. You'd never read or hear about this in the Australian or Fox News, eh?

How's that integrity, old boy? Is that what you call it when you publicly crucify an old family friend for ratings?

Or is it when you need an excuse to hold back releasing the laptop from hell story?

That's a lot of paki hinty-hinty gibberish just for 10 rupees and a banana.
Have two.

Arse banditry, gibberish, have two. You're on a roll tonight, old boy.

Infinitely preferable to your cut-and-paste jobs from the political consultants.

Of course, we're all still waiting for Wombat's whistleblower who was about to release bank statements with payments from Joe any day now, you'll see, BREAKING...

That was back in June, I think. The Committee already had Sleepy Joe's bank statements, so it really would have been curious. They might have caught Sleepy Joe Biden recording his payments incorrectly.

That, as we all know, is a serious crime and most devious. That's just the example of the kind of high crime and misdemeanour we need to impeach Sleepy Joe on once and for all. Can you imagine?

Recording false statements on your business records. Incorrigible.

The Republicans would be ropeable, as you'd expect.
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #26 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:25pm
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:00pm:
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:56pm:
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:37pm:
Silly paki arse bandit nonsense.

Yes, you said that, old boy, but the subject on everyone's lips these days is integrity, an old favourite of yours, I know.

So please forgive me, but I'm curious. How do you square your professed outrage over Sleepy Joe Biden's rumoured corruption with your own Dear Leader's outright criminality?

It might be best to do this as a multiple choice. Is it:

a) Dear Leader's completely innocent. WITCH HUNT!

b) Okay, he's a bit corrupt, but so what? They all do it.

c) Corruption's okay. We'll legalise it when Dear Leader gets in.

d) It's not corruption if Dear Leader does it.

e) A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.

Stupid gweggy turdy nonsense.

No, old boy, you're supposed to select an answer from A to E. I'm afraid that's a fail.

If you'll forgive me, I think the schnapps might be getting to you. Your responses are becoming a little formulaic these days, with a rather narrow pallet of words.

The correct answer is E:  A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.

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Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #27 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:56pm
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:25pm:
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:00pm:
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:56pm:
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 7:37pm:
Silly paki arse bandit nonsense.

Yes, you said that, old boy, but the subject on everyone's lips these days is integrity, an old favourite of yours, I know.

So please forgive me, but I'm curious. How do you square your professed outrage over Sleepy Joe Biden's rumoured corruption with your own Dear Leader's outright criminality?

It might be best to do this as a multiple choice. Is it:

a) Dear Leader's completely innocent. WITCH HUNT!

b) Okay, he's a bit corrupt, but so what? They all do it.

c) Corruption's okay. We'll legalise it when Dear Leader gets in.

d) It's not corruption if Dear Leader does it.

e) A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.

Stupid gweggy turdy nonsense.

No, old boy, you're supposed to select an answer from A to E. I'm afraid that's a fail.

If you'll forgive me, I think the schnapps might be getting to you. Your responses are becoming a little formulaic these days, with a rather narrow pallet of words.

The correct answer is E:  A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.

I am not validating any of your moronic, gweggy turdy Bbwianesque hysterics, arse bandit.

Mothra the frightbat is measured and considerate compared you lady boys.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #28 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 9:09pm
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:56pm:
I am not validating any of your moronic, gweggy turdy Bbwianesque hysterics, arse bandit.

That's right, dear boy. You're validating Tucker's. Who he?

Tucker Carlson tried to use Hunter Biden to get his son into Georgetown

As Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for help getting his son into an elite Washington university in 2014, the Fox News host’s wife, Susie, reportedly wrote in an email: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!”

Since the 2020 election, however, Carlson has fueled rightwing attacks on Joe Biden’s son, particularly over business affairs in which he allegedly benefited from his father’s position.

The existence of emails about getting Buckley Carlson into Georgetown has been known for some time, thanks to a laptop once owned by Hunter Biden that was obtained by Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and pushed to media in 2020.

On Thursday the Washington Post revealed new emails and said analysis by security experts confirmed their authenticity.

The emails, the Post said, “reveal the extent to which Carlson was willing to turn on a former associate as he thrives in a hyper-partisan media world in which conservatives have made Biden a prime target for attack”.

“They also show how Carlson once sought to benefit from the elite political circles in Washington that he now regularly rails against as the ‘ruling class’.”

Carlson told the Post that in 2014, when Joe Biden was vice-president, “Hunter Biden was my neighbor. Our wives were friends. I knew him well.

“I talked to him many times about addiction, something I know a lot about. And I’ve said that. I think that Hunter Biden is an addict and that’s why his life is falling apart, and I feel bad for him. I’ve said that many times, and I mean it.”

He also said he would not comment on the emails, as they “were described by our [intelligence] community as Russian disinformation. So why would I? And I read that in the Washington Post”.

The Post said Carlson was “speaking with apparent irony”. He and others on the right charge that mainstream media willfully overlooked the Biden laptop in 2020, amid reports it could contain disinformation planted by Russia or other malign actors.

The Post also said emails showed Carlson helping Biden in 2015, amid reports about the state of Biden’s marriage. Carlson has confirmed doing so.

But the Post focused on Carlson’s apparent hypocrisy.

Quoting Carlson accusing Hunter Biden of getting “lucrative jobs … because he had an important father”, the Post said the Fox News host did so without “disclosing that he had once enlisted Biden to help get his son into a prestigious private university”.

On the same January 2020 show, Carlson said: “In America today, there’s nothing illegal about paying de facto bribes by handing fake jobs to the unqualified family members of powerful people. And since it is perfectly legal, naturally, Hunter Biden isn’t the only one shamelessly cashing in on his family name.”

In another email reported by the Post, Susie Carlson wrote: “Tucker and I would be so grateful if you could write a letter or speak to someone in the Georgetown Admission’s [sic] Office about Buckley.”

Biden reportedly agreed to write to the university president and said: “I will do anything you would like me to do.”

According to the Post, Tucker Carlson wrote: “I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Bucky’s behalf. So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon.”

Buckley Carlson went to the University of Virginia. Now communications director for Jim Banks, a House Republican from Indiana, he did not comment on the Post report.

Amid reaction online, the author Radley Balko wrote: “The story here is that Tucker Carlson is the living embodiment of the unearned, privileged elitism that Tucker Carlson derides on his show every night. The Hunter Biden part is just gravy.”

Rightwing accounts pointed to an NBC report which said Biden’s laptop and other sources showed that between 2013 and 2018, he and his company brought in about $11m from work linked to Ukraine and China.

Integwity, innit. You are not validating Bwian/Gweggy/Frightbat/Paki, we get that.

So would you care to share your views on your Dear Leader's integwity too?
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« Last Edit: Aug 19th, 2023 at 10:03pm by Karnal »  
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

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Re: The Biden Crime Family
Reply #29 - Aug 19th, 2023 at 9:24pm
Karnal wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 9:09pm:
Frank wrote on Aug 19th, 2023 at 8:56pm:
I am not validating any of your moronic, gweggy turdy Bbwianesque hysterics, arse bandit.

That's right, dear boy. You're validating Tucker's. Who he?

Tucker Carlson tried to use Hunter Biden to get his son into Georgetown

As Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for help getting his son into an elite Washington university in 2014, the Fox News host’s wife, Susie, reportedly wrote in an email: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!”

Since the 2020 election, however, Carlson has fueled rightwing attacks on Joe Biden’s son, particularly over business affairs in which he allegedly benefited from his father’s position.

The existence of emails about getting Buckley Carlson into Georgetown has been known for some time, thanks to a laptop once owned by Hunter Biden that was obtained by Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and pushed to media in 2020.

On Thursday the Washington Post revealed new emails and said analysis by security experts confirmed their authenticity.

The emails, the Post said, “reveal the extent to which Carlson was willing to turn on a former associate as he thrives in a hyper-partisan media world in which conservatives have made Biden a prime target for attack”.

“They also show how Carlson once sought to benefit from the elite political circles in Washington that he now regularly rails against as the ‘ruling class’.”

Carlson told the Post that in 2014, when Joe Biden was vice-president, “Hunter Biden was my neighbor. Our wives were friends. I knew him well.

“I talked to him many times about addiction, something I know a lot about. And I’ve said that. I think that Hunter Biden is an addict and that’s why his life is falling apart, and I feel bad for him. I’ve said that many times, and I mean it.”

He also said he would not comment on the emails, as they “were described by our [intelligence] community as Russian disinformation. So why would I? And I read that in the Washington Post”.

The Post said Carlson was “speaking with apparent irony”. He and others on the right charge that mainstream media willfully overlooked the Biden laptop in 2020, amid reports it could contain disinformation planted by Russia or other malign actors.

The Post also said emails showed Carlson helping Biden in 2015, amid reports about the state of Biden’s marriage. Carlson has confirmed doing so.

But the Post focused on Carlson’s apparent hypocrisy.

Quoting Carlson accusing Hunter Biden of getting “lucrative jobs … because he had an important father”, the Post said the Fox News host did so without “disclosing that he had once enlisted Biden to help get his son into a prestigious private university”.

On the same January 2020 show, Carlson said: “In America today, there’s nothing illegal about paying de facto bribes by handing fake jobs to the unqualified family members of powerful people. And since it is perfectly legal, naturally, Hunter Biden isn’t the only one shamelessly cashing in on his family name.”

In another email reported by the Post, Susie Carlson wrote: “Tucker and I would be so grateful if you could write a letter or speak to someone in the Georgetown Admission’s [sic] Office about Buckley.”

Biden reportedly agreed to write to the university president and said: “I will do anything you would like me to do.”

According to the Post, Tucker Carlson wrote: “I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Bucky’s behalf. So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon.”

Buckley Carlson went to the University of Virginia. Now communications director for Jim Banks, a House Republican from Indiana, he did not comment on the Post report.

Amid reaction online, the author Radley Balko wrote: “The story here is that Tucker Carlson is the living embodiment of the unearned, privileged elitism that Tucker Carlson derides on his show every night. The Hunter Biden part is just gravy.”

Rightwing accounts pointed to an NBC report which said Biden’s laptop and other sources showed that between 2013 and 2018, he and his company brought in about $11m from work linked to Ukraine and China.

Integwity, innit. You are not validating Bwian/Gweggy/Frightbat/Paki, we get that.

So would you care to share your views on your Dear Leader's integwity too?

Paki Granuiad bollocks, of course.  Huh Roll Eyes


It takes a paki arse fetishist or a Macedonian content farmer turd - what IS the diff?? - to peddle innuendo like that.

If you are getting paid I can see some explanation - you are selling your souls. If you are not getting paid then you are sacrificing your souls for shite.

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« Last Edit: Aug 19th, 2023 at 9:29pm by Frank »  

Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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