UnSubRocky wrote on Aug 28
th, 2023 at 11:34am:
Is it just the invading Russian military and their supporters that you detest, Marla? Or do you just hate Russians in general?
its actually self hatred rocky
when someone is so full of hate (marla, gweg on trump, mothra on everyone) its usually a sign of self loathing
when you hate yourself and hate your mediocre life, your ego goes into emergency survival mode.
to accept the truth could see you jump off a bridge
but you can externalise that self hatred into hatred of "other" and purge yourself of it.
its just the basic way the inferior loser (in this case marla) can keep going.
hatred and anger can keep you alive
as long as you can hate, you dont have to lie in bed and feel hopeless and suicidal
its evolutionary to the survival of those at the bottom of the hierachy .
anger and hatred are what gets them up from the foetal position
she'll love it.