Grappler Deep State Feller
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Australian Politics
Posts: 85314
Always was always will be HOME
"You know that when Cook claimed Australia he held about 10 square yards of land sand at Kurnell right ?"
Thank you for proving my case - that the old colonial concept of claiming vast swathes of land no longer holds sway, and thus each and every one of the claims made by the claimed descendants of a small and wandering group to vast swathes of land have no power today and cannot be set 'right' within that same failed context.
The rules have changed - now you may not colonise settled countries - and thus your heroic wanderers must accept that under no circumstances can they possess any more than 3% of the nation, and can only do so by the current rules of possession.
Takes a while for some of you to get around your own circle, and back to what I posited months ago - that nowadays no person or group can arbitrarily lay claim to any swathe of land simply by looking at it from a high point - you must purchase land these days and you can't just grab it from your neighbours via lawfare or any other kind of warfare.
It doesn't matter that you claim to have been here first, all three of you out of possibly a hundred or more - that no longer applies, and the world is not going to get out of the way or your dinky car on the highways of life.
On another note, this is a fine example of the intrinsic and fatal contradictions of the 'progressive left' - apparently as long as you are of the right colour or creed, it was perfectly in order to just claim huge lands and hold them by killing off any opposition and literally genociding many such in doing so - tribal wars were brutal - but if you are of another colour or creed that is now the majority, you had no such right.
As I said - I've just been reading Bernard Keane's book 'The Mess We're In' - a fine collection of often flawed and often self-contradicting essays - and one which clearly demonstrates his privileged Eastern Surburbs Catholic schooling with all its benefits and pitfalls.... among those pitfalls being the never-ending shoulder chip of the Catholic here, the dogged determination that a religious based education must be the only correct one, and the imbuing with its acolytes with the quite incredible belief that since their word is descended from god himself, they cannot be wrong, no matter how often and in how many ways they are proven to be so.
My first major introduction to such Catholic sufferers was some with whom I played Rugby - you could see the domineering way the schooling approach of the (most often) priest teacher classes had pervaded, via the socialisation/osmotic process I've described elsewhere, their thinking and given them a sense of holy self-righteousness way out of kilter with the reality of their thinking and action and results. Quite literally, many such acolytes are 'acting out' the very behaviour of their 'oppressor' - that apparently rigid and unbending and perhaps criminal person who compelled them to 'learn' in a certain way, and offered them, in education, the same kind of 'certainties' that the religion apparently did.
Told yez never to touch the crosses of a civilised man... so many different faces of (in)humanity to confront ... in this Keep it is not the demon that is kept prisoner lest he inflict dire harm on the entire world - it is the Angel component of humanity that is being held in the tower and hidden behind an iron mask..... Never Touch The Crosses - NEVER! You may find it impossible to control that which you release.... and Angelism has no place in modern society on this planet... you have to admit - the 21th Century was all the Demon's! And the lying down of the Western Beowulf with the feminist Demon compels us to this day to deal with the bastard offspring of the unholy union... even Keane manages to allude to that in his book, without reaching the final conclusion therein, but remaining mired in the blame game against All Old White Men like some White Male Mothra......
NEVER touch the crosses - you are not capable of following the intellect and mind of the Angel you will unleash .... not fit to follow in his footsteps...