Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Sep 11
th, 2023 at 2:12pm:
Last chance dividie - how are YOU going to close the gaps? Just create jobs out of doing nothing and just pay them out there for doing nothing? Change the entire economic structure to suit your oddball ideas that have never worked yet or your half-baked interpretations of Keynes and such?
Last chance: listen up, or join Ozpolitics' top frauds like Lisa and Fraudiver.
1. Close the poverty/welfare industry, and its
hangers-on bureaucracy, ASAP.
2. Understand the concept of
useful work (even necessary work currently done by 'volunteers').
3. Organize such work via the local council, with wages funded by the national (currency-issuing) govt.
4. As communities achieve independence and development through work, more individuals will be able to transition to the market economy, as they save and take on extra training.
Quote:Get a life.
FYI I already have one, promoting the new economics required in the post climate-change world (see today's MMT posts).
PS re Keynes: it was only at the end of his life he understood the implications of fiat currencies NOT based on the gold standard. And post WW2 Keynesianism (established after Keynes died), worked well for a time,
creating the "golden age of capitalism", until the Arab oil embargo and competition from low wage Asia spoilt the party, as the economy became globalized.