Grappler Deep State Feller
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Australian Politics
Posts: 85204
Always was always will be HOME
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p.104 These included through the designation of seats in Parliament for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (although there was some concern that these politicians would be bound by party politics),163 the creation of a ‘Black Parliament’164 that represents communities across Australia. ......... For instance, the body’s representation could be drawn from an Assembly of First Nations, which could be established through a series of treaties among nations. Demand 13 - separate Parliament and established representation in current Parliament, again using 'treaties'. Apartheid.
p. 104-105 "The pursuit of Treaty and treaties was strongly supported across the Dialogues.167 Treaty was seen as a pathway to recognition of sovereignty and for achieving future meaningful reform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Treaty would be the vehicle to achieve self- determination, autonomy and self-government Demand 14 - for Treaty(ies) on their terms only that would offer them all they want = unconditional surrender - and establish Apartheid.
p. 105 "a Treaty could include a proper say in decision-making, the establishment of a truth commission, reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP), the resolution of land, water and resources issues, recognition of authority and customary law, and guarantees of respect for the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Demand 15 - one-sided 'truth' commission; reparations; land water and resources control; dual laws. = Apartheid and unconditional surrender of all meaningful things such as land, water and resources never used by them.
p.105 "For some, Treaty should be pursued alongside, but separate from, constitutional reform.171 For others, constitutional reform that gives Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a voice in the political process will be a way to achieve Treaty.172 For others, specific constitutional amendment could set out a negotiating framework, and give constitutional status to any concluded treaty." Demand 16 - demand that a voice be the avenue to Treaty(ies) and all that entails in loss of ownership of land, water and resources, not just advisory.... unconditional surrender to a minority who lost ............not just a modest thing. - Apartheid and minority group unearned control over the nation and all its people.
p.106 "that the true history of colonisation must be told: the genocides, the massacres, the wars and the ongoing injustices and discrimination. This truth also needed to include the stories of how First Nations Peoples have contributed to protecting and building this country. Demand 17 - one-sided truth telling, selective history, fantasies about nation building by them alone, and nobody has ever denied their involvement in the armed forces in protecting this country.
p.108 "The Voice should be established to enable it to perform its functions as a representative institution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Peoples, enabling First Peoples to deal with the Executive Government of the day as well as the Parliament" Demand 18 - the 'right' to deal with all levels of government, not just advise Parliament.
p.109 "The Bill establishing the Makarrata Commission should confer all necessary powers and functions to facilitate the settlement of a National Makarrata Framework Agreement between Australian Governments and First Peoples" Demand 19 - Makaratta Commission with powers and functions, not just advisory.
That's enough to go forward with, for now... Now I'm busy - I can't do your homework for you every damned day...
Modest proposal my arse.