Aussie wrote on Sep 15
th, 2023 at 1:11pm:
issuevoter wrote on Sep 15
th, 2023 at 8:51am:
Jacinta Price (mixed blood) on making indigenous people feel like victims.
Journalist: “Would you accept there has been generations of trauma because of that history?”
Price: “Well I guess that would mean those of us whose ancestors were dispossessed of their own country and brought here in chains as convicts were also suffering from intergenerational trauma, so I'd be doubly suffering from intergenerational trauma.” Cheers and applause from the press gallery.
I'm glad you posted that as I did not pick up on what she said as she said it. She had those lines so ready/prepared and thus, she rushed them out so quickly I did not hear her accurately.
What she ignores is that those people came here under a judicial sentence handed out in the jurisdiction in which they lived. The black fella was dispossessed by invasion from overseas and violence.
Speaking of stupid ... YOU somehow completely missed the point that Price was stressing the TRAUMA experienced by both groups.
Imagine being sentenced to prison and then onto a penal colony on the other side of the world which would take months to get to in a crowded ship (which could be the death of you note many died en route you know) for the CRIME of stealing a loaf of bread so as to eat something because of hunger.
The separation from loved ones, the exclusion, the horrific journey, the horrendous circumstances once here. Slave labourers worked to death. Women were regarded lower than animals.
The Aboriginal story is only PART of the freaking equation of Australia’s colonial history.
Price embodies BOTH sides!
It must have terrified you when Price came clean about the confronting and brutal truth about your own ancestry Aussie. Your denial has had enough time in the domain of pretence It’s time YOU faced who YOU REALLY are: a convict’s descendant.