What will happen the day after the referendum fails utterly... and in true 1984 fashion the proles in whom the only hope resides have spoken for a change ... let's see now...
Let me start with the example of the Wood Royal Commission into Police Malfeasance.... long ago and in a faraway country now... that Commission, at the behest of the then Carr state government in NSW - found systemic and overwhelming wrongdoing, lying and fit-ups to be the norm in the 'police' force, which, while doing these things on any basis whatsoever to the ordinary folk who had then to contend with a totally weighted against them court system (turning ordinary people into criminals at whim - an old tradition under the inherited British/convict colony approach to 'law'), was failing significantly in its real duties of controlling crime - and Wood made a series of recommendations on how these should be PROPERLY addressed (as usual - I have to add that term PROPERLY so as to differentiate between the principle and the reality pushed on the ground).
Almost instantly the Carr government, rather than moving to implement the recommendations of the Wood Royal Commission and do their duty of freeing the ordinary person from this vile abuse and blatant tyranny by enforcing a demand for proper behaviour under the proper rules by police and courts - went the other way - and brought in the already being discredited approach to policing called 'zero tolerance', thus opening the way for MORE abuse and vile breaches of law against the ordinary person... i.e rather than putting a stop to criminal behaviour by the very bodies set up to control crime, CarrGovCo went the other way and installed yet more opportunity for the same vile abuse and oppression.
Countless ordinary people were swept up in this enhanced 'right' of the law services to impose anything as they chose - genuine guilt (there's that proviso again) or innocence had nothing to do with it - this became a free-for-all for the already proven to be corrupt police and, by extension, for the even more corrupt by virtue of doing wrong when they knew the difference courts which supported them. Countless ordinary people going about their normal business were 'social controlled', the modern day equivalent of being transported for life for a loaf of bread, by CarrGovCo - and most significantly - many who had testified against this vile corruption were targeted.
Qui bono? CarrGovCo and all its successors in their newly created ability to control the ordinary people, who clearly were nothing but a criminal class. And Carr -- a member of one of the greatest criminal classes in the history of this nation ... is still permitted to walk the streets - he will be a mobile mummy before he goes so he can enjoy your money for as long as possible.
You ask where I am going with this? Where will we go after the referendum falls flat on its face..... what does the Carr experience tell us clearly about New Labor Tyranny??????
Simple - the losers of this referendum will do what mothra (the alleged 'leftie' supporter of anything against City Hall who somehow manages to totally support New City Hall of Leftist tyranny) threw at people here - THEY WILL DOUBLE DOWN!
There will be MORE and GREATER theft of YOUR national parks etc and handovers to whining groups who either have no or a very tenuous connection with that land - all of it the primest land in the country - and along with that will go your rights to simple enjoyment of your own country, its history (see Goat Island) and YOUR national parks etc.... and also removal of yet another portion of your 'civil rights' - such as they are in a convict colony (2023 version).
And you will have zero means, opportunity or often motive to even oppose these things for one simple reason - it will all be done by lawfare using YOUR money held in trust by these thieves - and no individual or small group of objectors will even begin to have the wherewithal (the 'means' and 'opportunity') even if they have the motive to contest any of these decisions in a 'court' system that they know, before setting foot inside the door - is hopelessly and relentlessly weighted against them.
That, Poppets, is why I keep telling you all we need a totally different and new approach to governance in this country.
I will now wait for all the 'lefties' to tell me what a tyrant I am - well - I'm not the one removing your rights and national parks etc from you and giving away your national birthright to free and unfettered use of national parks and public land..... I'm not the one keeping you in the Dark Ages of New City Hall's total control over your lives under an updated convict colony system - the 'Left' is.
I will not always be here to guide you out of the wilderness.... you must learn to guide yourselves - learn about reality.