Grappler Deep State Feller
Gold Member
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Australian Politics
Posts: 85204
Always was always will be HOME
Oh, I dunno - that was a perfectly neutral position from me there..... and I only listened to what she said..... I merely posted the link in a usable form.... get a grip, man ...
The moment they started to pull apart any NO ideas they were shown to be racism or stupidity. Bit hard to say anything else with those words......
Now that we've got that sorted for you - let's move on.....
The voice is the DOOR to open for all the other things - it's in the statement.
p. 93 By making agreements at the highest level, the negotiation process with the Australian government allows First Nations to express our sovereignty. - Demand 1 - separate sovereignty.
p. 94 Advances self-determination and the standards established under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. - Demand 2 - self-determination. Doesn't matter where it came from it is racst and divisive.
p.95 "The Barunga Statement called ‘on the Commonwealth Parliament to negotiate with us a Treaty or Compact recognising our prior ownership, continued occupation and sovereignty and affirming our human rights and freedoms." Several Demands - prior ownership of ALL lands under a flawed imperialist concept (Demand 3); continued occupation meaning their right to own every square inch (Demand 4); sovereignty again as separate; specious claims that they have not the same rights as everyone else or the same freedoms.
p.95 "‘any reform must involve substantive changes to the Australian Constitution. A minimalist approach, that provides preambular recognition, removes section 25 and moderates the races power [section 51(xxvi)], does not go far enough and would not be acceptable to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’" Demand 5 - big changes to the Constitution to suit. Demand 6 - more than simple recognition.
p.96 "‘Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance and enforcement of Treaties, Agreements and Other Constructive Arrangements concluded with States or their successors and to have States honour and respect such Treaties, Agreements and other Constructive Arrangements". Demand 6 - that the existence of 'treaties' and such be accepted without such things existing.
p.96 In 1988, the Barunga Statement called for the recognition of our rights ‘to self-determination and self-management, including the freedom to pursue our own economic, social, religious and cultural development.’ One of the fundamental principles underpinning ATSIC’s report on the Social Justice Package was ‘self-determination to decide within the broad context of Australian society the priorities and the directions of their own lives, and to freely determine their own affairs.’ Demand 7 - separate just about everything. = Apartheid = Racism.
p.97 "One of the fundamental principles underpinning ATSIC’s report on the Social Justice Package was ‘recognition of Indigenous peoples as the original owners of this land, and of the particular rights that are associated with that status.’" Demand 8 - that defunct ownership rights be re-established in this nation only while the world looks on both aghast and laughing. Again - I own most of North Western Europe in that case. Don't make me laugh.
p.97 "‘the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies,especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources" Demand 9 - unconditional surrender of land rights, territory rights and resource rights, no matter what absurdities are involved.
Let's not bother with one-sided 'truthtelling'.
p.98 "The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples enshrines the importance of truth-telling,108 as does the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the basic principles on the right to a remedy and reparation for victims of gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law." Demand 10 - REPARATIONS - but only for one side of their frontier wars.
p. 99 "Many delegates at the First Nations Regional Dialogues stated that reform must provide a mechanism for First Nations agreement-making." .... The obligation of the state to provide agreement-making mechanisms is reflected in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Demand 11 - obligatory agreement making- i.e. treaties etc enforceable but only on their terms = Apartheid. 'reflected' - hmmmmm.....
p.101 - 102 Charts of demands.
p.103 "There was a concern that the proposed body would have insufficient power if its constitutional function was ‘advisory’ only, and there was support in many Dialogues for it to be given stronger powers so that it could be a mechanism for providing ‘free, prior and informed consent’.157 Any Voice to Parliament should be designed so that it could support and promote a treaty-making process." Demand 12 - that this voice be far more than an advisory body and must promote and support a treaty-making process.
Out of page - be back to yez later....