Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Oct 24
th, 2023 at 9:16pm:
Atheism is just the absence of belief in god.
Atheists will fill this absence with other beliefs: nationalism, wokism, traditions, 'progressive' bleatings about some future utopia etc.
It's not that simple in defining atheism.
Firstly, and most notably, there is
no "absence"
of belief that needs "filling". (What a bizarre claim.)
I'm an "
implicit atheist", defined as "the
absence of theistic belief without a conscious
rejection of it", or, as I prefer an ignostic.
Theological non-cognitivism is the non-theist
position that religious language, particularly
theological terminology such as "God" or "gods", are
not intelligible or meaningful, and thus sentences
like "God exists" are cognitively meaningless. (It can
be considered synonymous with ignosticism.)
When asserting the proposition that God exists,
the acceptance or rejection of the proposition
is distinct from the concept. With no knowledge
of "God", he/she/it can be described minimally with
the attributes of supernaturality, omnipotentcy, and
Theological non-cognitivism is contrasted with
positive atheism—which describes not only a lack of
a belief in gods but also denies that gods exist,
thereby giving credence to the existence of a
concept of something for "God" to refer to, because
it assumes that
there is something understandable
to not believe in .
In simple terms then, you cannot disbelieve in
something that's never been proved to exist.