Linus wrote on Sep 22
nd, 2023 at 8:57pm:
Are you a Theist, Jasinner?
Good question Linus and a fair one.
I believe in a lot of things.
I'm not anti-Religious, but I can believe in Science.
I can believe in 'Gods', because they exist in the minds of many - to the point that humanity IS god.
I believe in Creationalism and Evolution like both sides of the brain.
I believe in Gaea (Gaia) which is the embodiment of all life on this planet to which even 'knowledge' can not fully detach itself from (though Judaism tried to convince otherwise without any 'true' success) besides what is being discovered outside the realm of this world out there in the great Void of ever dwindling matter.
...there's a lot more I believe in, but maybe later.