Jasin wrote on Oct 27
th, 2023 at 4:21pm:
Who's looking for victimhood here?
Where do you get off calling me that?
Is it just because you're not getting your own way, that you reveal your superhero roll as 'Super B_itch' male?

I think you are one of those all time intellectual wannabes that can't understand that there is more than just one right answer.
You're a black or white man. I can see that. A Yin/Yang of Simpleton philosophy.
It's obvious you are Anti-Me, more than providing a viable reasoning behind the gist of this Topic.
Snakes and Ladders dickwad. Go back to the Start of this Topic and try again.
So many fu_ckwits in the world, so little time.
You're lying about my position and what I've said, you're not even quoting me to support your claims so I have to ask why?
What could possibly motivate you to do that?
Not only that, why would you go out of your way to paint me as your enemy?
You're begging for a fight and I don't know why.
It's just like in other topics. You make wildly inaccurate claims about the positions of those who don't agree with you in an effort to make it a good vs evil, painting yourself as "good" and a victim of evil
Even when you're winning, or at least on winning side of say the referendum.
You keep acting like you lost, begging for sympathy being oppressed by an established or establishment aligned position.
I can't be any clearer, atheist is simply someone who doesn't believe in God.
That's it.
You don't have to insert your confrontational "there has to be good vs evil, pro vs anti", you're getting lost in the tactics that you've clearly built into your psyche after being on the wrong, and losing side, of so many issues for so very long.
To get back on topic, atheism does exist within those who don't believe in a god or gods, but it's not an instition or has any sort of organisational structure like a religion would, so it's not the same thing and can't be compared directly.
That is my opinion.
Pro or anti anything doesn't come into it. That's just a distraction from a small minded cry baby who wants try and shift the argument to a gotcha they think they have but don't actually posses.