Frank wrote on Sep 25
th, 2023 at 9:12am:
AusGeoff wrote on Sep 25
th, 2023 at 3:26am:
LOL... former(?) Muslim, and conservative Trump
supporter/Biden hater Rita Panahi holds a strange
set of often incompatible viewpoints, sometimes
apparently even strongly self-contradictory. It's of
no surprise that she works at Murdoch's loony right
wing FOX news.

Oh, the put-downs!! "Biden hater". Trump supporter!! "Former(?)" "Incomprehensible, looney right", "Murdoch Fox" self contradictory - go on Sage of outer Gippsland, do the Bbwianesque tsk, tsk and

Pile on the silly invective - so you don't have to actually refute any of the points, counter any of the arguments. Just do the
lefty verbal melt-down, the verbose put-downs and hope that nobody will notice that you have refuted nothing.
LOL... I have to admit I had a bit of a chuckle reading this mate .

Seriously though, I guess I was just reinforcing Panahi's rabid,
ultra-right wing politics, which mirrors both the senile Murdoch
and his buffoon golfing mate Trump.
Which in turn means it's unwise to take any notice of her predictable
anti-leftist whinge sessions on FOX.
This letter to Panahi reflects pretty much my opinion of what's
wrong with her distorted viewpoints, values, racism, and bigotry.