Brian Ross wrote on Oct 5
th, 2023 at 7:33pm:
Boris wrote on Oct 5
th, 2023 at 3:19pm:
Brian is an inner city Latte sipping Leftist Lunatic.
he has no knowledge or experience of anything other than the inner city and Marxism and is a Useful Idiot for the Communist Party in their plan to destroy Australia.
The Polls on the Voice show that the further you get from the Inner Cities, the less support for the Voice.
People like me who lived and worked for many years in the NT and worked for the NT Health Department and saw horror after horror day after day know and understand the reality of Aborigines where as Brian has NFI about anything.
Oh, dearie, dearie, me, Matty, what a bore you are, you characterise me as something I am not a Latte drinker in the slightest, nor am a lunatic in the slightest. You charactise the Indigenous Australians as being all violent savages but the reality is that most are not in the slightest. My own experience of Indigenous Australians is much less than you claim but they have invariably been quite civilised individuals no different to most other Australians. In otherwords, you spout bullshit, the bullshit of a basement dweller under his mother's house. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
There is a lot of stupid to unpack here.
Firstly all the invalidation - typical Narcissist.
Oh, dearie, dearie, me, Matty, what a bore you are, you characterise me as something I am not a Latte drinker in the slightest, nor am a lunatic in the slightest.The majority of people in the inner cities of the Capital Cities of Australia are rabid Labor and rabid supporters of "The Voice" because they are disconnected from reality. And you fit all of those things.
You charactise the Indigenous Australians as being all violent savages but the reality is that most are not in the slightest.
Well the murder rate where you are is less than 1 per 100,000 people but in the NT it is 8 per 100,000 indicating Aborigines are extremely violent as they commit the vast majority of the murders and assaults in the NT.
My own experience of Indigenous Australians is much less than you claim but they have invariably been quite civilised individuals no different to most other Australians. In otherwords, you spout bullshit, the bullshit of a basement dweller under his mother's house. Tsk, tsk, tsk...I do not make claims I state facts - I lived in the NT for many years and worked for the Health Department there and worked in the Wards and drove Ambulances and saw horror after horror. But you cannot see the truth when it is presented to you.
Aborigines are violent and lawless - just look at the statistics of crime and violence.
My mother is dead - she never had a basement and I do not lie.
But you invalidate everything I say and devalue me and dehumanise me and it is an overwhelming and textbook display of Grandiose Narcissism.
Basically you are a complete wanker disconnected from reality and not worth knowing.
Read up on Grandiose Narcissism - Know thyself