Quote:No Aussie, it is mostly locals and Jews evicted from nearby Muslim countries after WWII when they tried to have their own holocaust.
Oh I am certain that there are second and third generation Native born Israelis now, but their immediate ancestors came from Europe, not the ME.
Quote:Why are you so eager to parrot the "Muslim land" propaganda?
I have never read any 'Muslim land" propaganda.
Quote:Well, you are promoting the inevitable slaughter of Jews, aren't you? As well as the blaming of the Jews for that slaughter. If the shoe fits, wear it.
If, upon the State of Israel moving, some Israelis remain where that State was, then they, whoever they are, have made their own decision.
Quote:So why is it only Jews that you have invented your own special final solution for?
off with your Nazi 'final solution' smear. My 'solution' is nothing more nothing less than moving the State of Israel to Tasmania. All the support of the West, financial and military moves with it, geographically.