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Question: Should we give foreign aid to Palestine

We should stop aid to Palestine    
  11 (55.0%)
We should fund Islamic terrorists    
  2 (10.0%)
We're broke no aid unless it's disaster relief    
  7 (35.0%)

Total votes: 20
« Created by: Baronvonrort on: Oct 17th, 2023 at 11:54pm »

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We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine (Read 10130 times)
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #60 - Jan 29th, 2024 at 4:05am
Intermission. A word from a Sponsor: KLF '3am Eternal'.

Now where was I (at this time of the wee hours)?
You probably relate to all things 'Down Under' Australia for the likes of British and USA cultural influence, if not Media as well. But I tend to look at things happening in the world as a 'Day Ahead' Australian. Sure, we may be 'Down Under' the likes of both nations. But we are also a 'Day Ahead' of them. You could say that the USA and its fascination with all things 'The End of the World', is because compared to us here - it really is at the End of the World (time wise).
This enables me to see through a lot of things, even a Glass Darkly. USA may be in the Penthouse 'up there' with that superiority (Space), but we are 'the future' (Time). In essence, it isn't hard to see where some things in this world have come from and where they are destined to go because of it. It's set in stone Tickle&Rose, just like writing was when it was created upon the Temple of Ur upon the worship of Sin (Sumerian for the 'moon') : Sin-Ur (Sinner). Wink

There is a good Mathematical thing to remember: "With all things being 'equal'...". Humanity as a creature upon this world of life (Gaea) is 'evolving' not just as species, but as a consciousness and as a part of this Gaean Life's influence on this planetoid. We are a part of 'nature' (Gaea) and thus even the fear of Global Warming, Pollution and Nuclear War... is a part of Natural occurrence. We are meant to make the world as it is currently, for that too is a 'process' in the making towards our future and I can assure you - despite the USA's (Media's) obsession with the 'End of the World'. It won't happen. We have many World Wars to go, I can assure you.  Wink The human world will not be destroyed by a WW3 Nuclear Holocaust.  Shocked Billions will die because of it, billions will die 'for it'. But it is not 'the End' of the story. We are not even remotely close to Humanity and its 'Happy Ending'.   Cool But it always helps to stay aware of the circumstances and not be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a Nuke comes like a Mass Extinction Meteor. I mean, its like not putting oneself in danger at a Music Festival, when Hamas Terrorist still roam - just because one believes that Woke/Media/Lefty attitudes think it will never happen because Palestinians would never do such a thing - they're victims and supporting them is all the rage in the Media/Woke/Lefty/Activism virtual signalling.

Well I hope Tickle&Rose that you find my recent posting(s) at least entertaining, if not 'stimulating' in offering you something 'new' that I know you have never seen (read) before. Nothing worse than 'sensory deprivation' (the true nature of being in a Prison) eh?
If, like Frank (one of a few smart posters here), you find my inclusion of humour into what I have written a bit hard to take seriously. Remember, its just a Divine Comedy after all. If you want to understand the world as a whole (no good saying like a virtual signaller that the World is 'One'/We are all 'One' - if you don't see the differences first) then you must place yourself upon Sin (the moon) and accept that you are indeed a 'Lunatic' and looking back at Ocean-Earth, experience something not too dissimilar to what Astronauts (Cosmonauts) experience when they also do, come to realise that it is still a Mad Mad World after all.  Smiley

Long ago, upon the top of the Temple of Ur in Sumeria, the Priests of Sin (Ab-Sin-nanna) looked up at our 'companion' in the sky where she at full (moon) would gravitationally uplift the waters in their bodies towards her and at such time, the Priests would feel the presence of their Pituitary Gland activate in their mind's awareness of clarity. For as a Male's body seeds the Female's body. The Female's mind seeds the Male's mind and Sin, in all her full beauty - seeded the minds of those Priests and thus they created 'Writing' to harvest their knowledge immortal. A woman's body creates a Child upon the seed of a man. A man's mind creates a Dream upon the seed of a woman.

From War comes Peace.
From Peace comes Suicide.
From Suicide comes Tranquility.
From Tranquility comes War.
-JaSin (2002)

As a Palestinian once said in 2045 AD. "Something lost (Palestine), is something gained (the World)."

As an Aborigine once said from Russia. "Something lost (the past), is something gained (a future)."

Well enough from me Tickle&Rose. Hope this helps a bit. Hope this has been fun. Hope you'll understand. Hope you see - that the best things in life, is like allowing your mind to roam free.

Down Under, but also a Day Ahead of the End of the World.

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« Last Edit: Jan 29th, 2024 at 5:04am by Jasin »  

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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #61 - Jan 29th, 2024 at 5:06am
Get that up ya It_is_the_Light.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #62 - Jan 31st, 2024 at 2:43pm

Looks like countries have decided they aren't going to give their taxpayers money to fund terrorists.
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unrwa_fund.png (17 KB | 9 )

Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #63 - Jan 31st, 2024 at 2:50pm
We must put the brakes on terror ambulances

June 4 2004

The United Nations and Red Cross have been providing cover for terrorists - literally. And American taxpayers are footing some of the bill.

Last week, an Israeli television station aired footage of armed Arab terrorists in southern Gaza using an ambulance owned and operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Palestinian gunmen used the UNRWA emergency vehicle as getaway transportation after murdering six Israeli soldiers in Gaza City on May 11. The footage shows two ambulances with flashing lights pull onto a street. Shots and shouts ring out during the nighttime raid. A gang of militants piles into one of the supposedly neutral ambulances, clearly marked "U.N." with the agency's blue flag flying from the roof, which then speeds away from the scene., a nonprofit global news monitoring service, posted the video (shot by a Reuters TV cameraman) on its Web site last week. To date, Access Middle East managing director Richard Bardenstein in Israel informs me, not a single U.S. television news station has expressed interest in showing the footage to American viewers.

Why should we care? Because since 1950, the U.S. has provided UNRWA with $2.5 billion in taxpayer subsidies - about one-third of the relief agency's total budget. And because instead of investigating this latest black eye-inducing scandal, the U.N. is blasting American troops for defending themselves against such outrageous tactics - now being emulated by Iraqi guerrilla warriors sniping at our men and women from ambulances in Fallujah.

International relief officials are in stubborn denial about the abuse of their emergency vehicles and hospital credentials by terrorists. They claim the videotaped May 11 ambulance-assisted attack was an isolated incident and that the driver was forced to transport the gunmen. But this ambulances-for-terrorists program has been going on for years.

According to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies (CSS), senior UNRWA employee Nahed Rashid Ahmed Attalah confessed to using his official U.N. vehicle to bypass security and smuggle arms, explosives, and terrorists to and from attacks. He was in charge of distributing food supplies to Palestinian refugees. Nidal 'Abd al-Fataah 'Abdallah Nizal, a Hamas activist, worked as an UNRWA ambulance driver and admitted he had used an emergency vehicle to transport munitions to terrorists.

U.N. vehicles aren't the only ones being used by terrorists. An intensive care ambulance carrying the acronym of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) was used to deliver an explosive belt found underneath a stretcher on which a sick child was lying in spring 2002. Female suicide bomber Wafa Idris, who blew herself up in a January 2002 attack in Jerusalem, was a medical secretary for the PRCS. Her recruiter was an ambulance driver for the same organization. PRCS receives financial support from governments and organizations around the world, including the American Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross.

The UNRWA has long been suspected of providing aid and comfort to terrorists. Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, recently documented how "buildings and warehouses under UNRWA supervision are allegedly being used as storage areas for Palestinian ammunition and counterfeit currency factories." Cantor's 2002 report also noted that UNRWA hosts summer camps in martyrdom for young terrorists-in-training. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., has also lobbied for increased scrutiny of UNRWA funding, which has been used to publish anti-Semitic textbooks and posters in schools that "glorify homicide bombers and the slaughter of innocents."


We have known the UNRWA are corrupt for decades.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #64 - Feb 2nd, 2024 at 1:15pm
Captain Nemo wrote on Jan 28th, 2024 at 11:08pm:

Penny Wong must resign

Writing in this magazine in October, 2017, regular columnist Andrew L. Urban explained how that year alone, ‘half of the US$693 million that the Palestinian Authority receives as foreign aid… was paid out as stipends to convicted terrorists and their families’.

Last week, the New York Times and  Wall Street Journal revealed horrendous details about the direct involvement of UNRWA employees, teachers and others in the 7 October murders, rapes and kidnappings.

On 2 July 2018, in a media release awash with diplo-jargon, Ms Bishop explained that, ‘Any assistance provided by the Palestine Liberation Organisation to those convicted of politically motivated violence is an affront to Australian values.’ In other words, we will not fund ‘pay for slay’. Commendably, in the 2020 Budget, the Coalition went even further, halving DFAT funding to UNRWA from $20 million to $10 million.

And so it remained until Labor won office in 2022, when, without any apparent hesitation, that reduction in funding was fully re-instated by Foreign Minister Penny Wong. Then, following the barbaric terror attacks of 7 October, Australian aid to the Palestinians was again further increased by many tens of millions with six million dollars earmarked specifically for UNRWA. After an outcry, Ms Wong made the ludicrous claim that she had told the Palestinians that the money must not be used to fund terror. What a joke.

Last week, the New York Times and  Wall Street Journal revealed horrendous details about the direct involvement of UNRWA employees, teachers and others in the 7 October murders, rapes and kidnappings. ‘UNRWA’s problem is not just “a few bad apples” involved in the 7 October massacre,’ a senior Israeli official said. ‘The institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’ radical ideology.’ The intelligence reports cited claimed that nearly 50 per cent of all UNRWA employees had close relatives with official ties to Hamas or other militant outfits and one-in-four male employees took part in Hamas activities.

The following questions must be answered: What risk assessment did Penny Wong or her department undertake before she reinstated (and then increased) Australian aid to UNRWA and other Palestinian bodies? And: Who provided the advice to Penny Wong that DFAT’s and Julie Bishop’s determination  that Australian tax dollars risked being used to fund terror no longer applied in 2022?

If an individual provides funds to a terrorist organisation they go to jail. Penny Wong must resign, and those at DFAT or Home Affairs who failed in their duties to the taxpayer must resign too.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #65 - Feb 2nd, 2024 at 1:23pm
After an outcry, Ms Wong made the ludicrous claim that she had told the Palestinians that the money must not be used to fund terror.


This must be what Phil was talking about.

philperth2010 wrote on Jan 20th, 2024 at 2:43pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 20th, 2024 at 2:38pm:
philperth2010 wrote on Jan 20th, 2024 at 2:37pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 20th, 2024 at 2:01pm:
philperth2010 wrote on Jan 20th, 2024 at 8:37am:
freediver wrote on Jan 17th, 2024 at 8:34pm:,organisations%2C%20either%20directly%20or%20indirectly.

Australia has listed Hamas as a terrorist organisation, and it is also a designated entity subject to counter-terrorism financing sanctions under the Australian sanctions law. It is a criminal offence to fund listed terrorist organisations, either directly or indirectly. It is also a criminal offence for a person to provide or collect funds, where that person knows or is reckless to the fact that the funds will be used to facilitate or engage in a terrorist act.

I wonder if the terrorists will get their hands on any of Penny Wong's 20 million dollars?

The funding will be delivered through the U.N. and aid agencies like the Red Cross....The funding is for humanitarian aid only....HAMAS does not have access to the funds!!!

Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

And yet the funds will still make it easier for Hamas to carry out terrorist attacks, and for the terrorist supporters to continue supporting them.

How do you ensure that none of the funds end up with Hamas?

It is not up to me to ensure anything....Do you have any evidence the U.N. or Red Cross are corrupt and working with HAMAS....Should Australia suspend all humanitarian aid based on your suspision these organizations are corrupt....Show me the evidence???

Huh Huh Huh

You declared that Hamas does not have access to the funds. How do you know this?

The funds were provided to the U.N. and Red Cross....Are they corrupt....Are you claiming the Australian Government and U.N. are working with HAMAS and are somehow funnelling funds to their terrorist effort....Do you have any evidence of what you are claiming mate???

Huh Huh Huh

philperth2010 wrote on Jan 20th, 2024 at 3:17pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 20th, 2024 at 2:49pm:
It is the same dilemma faced be every multinational company and aid organisation - how do you do business in a corrupt country without becoming corrupt yourself? It is not as easy as you suggest to dismiss. For a lot of them the answer is simply, you don't. Unfortunately it doesn't work that well for aid organisations, as endemic corruption and the need for aid tend to go hand in hand.

I do not need to prove anything to ask you to back up your assertion:

philperth2010 wrote on Jan 20th, 2024 at 8:37am:
HAMAS does not have access to the funds!!!

How do you know this? Is your argument that seeing something written on a piece of paper about who is sending the money into Gaza proves that Hamas does not get their hands on it?

The money does not get sent to a bank account in Gaza FFS....The U.N. and Red Cross are provided with the funds to send truck loads of humanitarian aid into the camps they run inside Gaza....Should all humanitarian aid to Gaza be cut off FD???

Huh Huh Huh

freediver wrote on Jan 23rd, 2024 at 12:34pm:
John, whose fault was it that you claimed the Palestinian people are illegally occupying Palestinian land? Yours or mine?

philperth2010 wrote on Jan 23rd, 2024 at 11:29am:
freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2024 at 12:25pm:
philperth2010 wrote on Jan 22nd, 2024 at 7:50am:
[quote author=freediver link=1705487075/53#53 date=1705729546] [quote]The money does not get sent to a bank account in Gaza FFS

How do they pay for everything locally? Cash?

You're just making this up as you go along, aren't you?

The money does not get sent to a bank account in Gaza FFS....The U.N. and Red Cross are provided with the funds to send truck loads of humanitarian aid into the camps they run inside Gaza....Should all humanitarian aid to Gaza be cut off FD???

Are you serious or are you just trolling....What can Palastinians buy locally FD....Do you really believe the U.N. and Red Cross give cash to refugees to spend at the local Woollies....Do you believe the aid comes in the form of ammunition and weapons....Do you have any evidence the U.N or Red Cross are corrupt and supporting HAMAS FD....You're just making this up as you go along, aren't you....What good would cash be to refugees in Gaza FD???

Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

Yes I am serious. I think you are extremely naïve about the ability of organisations to function in a corrupt society without becoming corrupt themselves.

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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #66 - Feb 2nd, 2024 at 3:32pm
Penny Wong won't go to Gaol.

Australians are too lazy to do anything about it directly.
Too lazy. Simple as that.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #67 - Feb 15th, 2024 at 11:25pm
The IDF uncovered a giant subterranean data center used by Ham🫏 in a tunnel hidden underneath a UN agency's headquarters, guess which one!

The answer may surprise you!

Actually it won't. See 4th picture.

UNRWA said they weren't aware Hamas had a base under their building. UNRWA were supplying this Hamas tunnel with electricity and internet.

UNRWA = Hamas in Gaza we should stop all foreign aid to Palestine.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #68 - Feb 15th, 2024 at 11:29pm
Each death of an innocent Palestinian creates how many future Hamas fighters ?

The IDF tactic is self defeating and only ensures that the hostilities continue well into the future.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #69 - Feb 15th, 2024 at 11:52pm
Dnarever wrote on Feb 15th, 2024 at 11:29pm:
Each death of an innocent Palestinian creates how many future Hamas fighters ?

The IDF tactic is self defeating and only ensures that the hostilities continue well into the future.

Islam creates Hamas fighters have you read the Hamas covenant? Did you comprehend what is written does it match their actions?

What does article 8 say?

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #70 - Feb 16th, 2024 at 12:29am
Israel is a terrorist in the Middle East. Israel and Jews have murdered more than 100,000 Palestinians since 1948.

Murdering unarmed, innocent women and children is a sport for Israelis.

Israeli Jews don't do so well in combat with armed Palestinians.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #71 - Feb 16th, 2024 at 5:52am
Palestinians are so bad, they even shoot and blow themselves up in the process. That's terrorism for you.
...terrible isn't it. Wink
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #72 - Feb 16th, 2024 at 7:58am
Dnarever wrote on Feb 15th, 2024 at 11:29pm:
Each death of an innocent Palestinian creates how many future Hamas fighters ?

The IDF tactic is self defeating and only ensures that the hostilities continue well into the future.

What 'tactic' is that? And do you have a better one? Lay down and let the Muslims slaughter them?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Laugh till you cry
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Australia should increase Palestine aid >10x
Reply #73 - Feb 16th, 2024 at 8:54am
To seek forgiveness for the complicity in the Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

Australia should publicly apologize to Palestinians.
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Please don't thank me. Effusive fawning and obeisance of disciples, mendicants, and foot-kissers embarrass me.
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Re: We should stop giving foreign aid to Palestine
Reply #74 - Feb 16th, 2024 at 10:05am
The Moriori (of the Chatham Islands) took a 'peaceful' non-combative response to the Maori entering their islands. (The white whalers were already in an out, but no problem).
Eventually the Maori got their numbers up and brutally massacred the Moriori like placid dumb herbivores.
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