Certainly weird when sensible people who won the vote are now demanding real action and the losers are desperately trying everything to stop them - including endless mindless ranting about 'sore winners'...
Clearly these demented types do not want real solutions - must be money in it for them somewhere - that they've missed out on by losing. Must be Abo claimants on the borderline expecting the Gold Rush Cargo cult that didn't arrive ..
You lost, princesses - suck it up................
Now - for those REAL solutions.... why would any government block those? Well - clearly so they can point fingers and say the NO vote didn't do anything for the Cheers, so they're forced to do the same things their way - follow their laid down agenda - without the approval of the ordinary people who said a resounding NO.
Oh - lookee here! We didn't win the nonsense that would do nothing for the average Cheer, and we've blocked all attempts to install positive solutions - so nothing has changed for the suffering Cheers out there! Must be the fault of the NO vote, eh?
Now you can clearly see their way of not thinking - cunning yes - smart, NO - that's why they lost...
Suck it up princesses and get on with the real job you are paid to do .... or you'll force us to elect Voldemort .. that should frighten you..