freediver wrote on Oct 13
th, 2023 at 8:20am:
...And yet atheist causes have still killed more people than any other, despite their historical rarity. The fact that they can't even be bothered giving an excuse doesn't really take away from that.
To support that claim, you'll need to provide
citations. I couldn't find any confirmatory references.
At any rate you're (deliberately?) missing the point that
I was making—that religion and its cause has, historically,
started more wars (which are still ongoing today) than
any supposed atheistic cause.
Name me one current war raging today whereby one
group of atheists is fighting another group of atheists.
You can't, because it's never happened.
freediver wrote on Oct 13
th, 2023 at 8:20am:
The fact that you are so eager to repeat the mistakes of the past just shows how dangerous atheist causes can be.
Once again—based on this comment—as I suggested
earlier, atheism does
not have an enabling "cause".
It's nothing more than a personal state of mind held
by an individual. There is no "group-think" or doctrine
or book of rules, or places of worshipful gatherings, or
"wise men" telling us what to do with our lives.
freediver wrote on Oct 13
th, 2023 at 8:20am:
You are so smugly assured of your own righteousness that you think nothing of demanding that atheism be imposed on everyone else for their own good.
Well, being "smug"—or not—about one's state of mind
really has nothing to do with this argument. Good try
at slipping in an
ad hominem though LOL.
Anyway... no atheist, including me, would ever
"demand" that atheism be "imposed" on everyone.
We don't offer absurd public "prayers" during national
tragedies, or "pray" for children afflicted with cancer,
or knock on people's doors trying to convince them
that "God is the way". Even the Australian parliament
still has the antiquated, irrelevant, so-called "Lord's
Prayer" recited at its every opening session! Welcome
back to the 1600s!
freediver wrote on Oct 13
th, 2023 at 8:20am:
That's when the killing starts. If any other ideologue even hinted at what you do, they would be howled down as a dangerous extremist, yet when atheists do it it they somehow manage to convince themselves it is entirely normal.
I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean by this. Can
you clarify further what the "
at what you do" claim means?
It's the Catholics, the Protestants, the Muslims, the
Jews, the the Sikhs, and even the Buddhists who've
initiated numerous wars, driven—of course—by their
religious views, and attempts to overthrow and/or
abolish opposing religions.
So, again, can you name me even one single war started
in the name of, or
for the cause of atheism?
Atheism has not really been around as a significant ideology for long, but in that time is has eclipsed pretty much every other ideology in death toll. The most popular ideology to include atheism is communism.
In China, the CCP starved over 50 million people to death last century. This was in an effort to feed them all equally. This death toll is in addition to all the people they killed intentionally.
In Russia, the soviets killed somewhere between 8 and 61 million people. Most likely about 20 million.
Despite only existing as a significant movement for a few decades, the global death toll from communism is probably around 100 million people. Possible far higher.
Yet we still have atheists who think that atheism is so special it should be forcibly imposed on everyone else, and they have the hypocrisy to use the history of other religious movements to justify their absurd, naive claims.