Sophia wrote on Oct 26
th, 2023 at 8:04am:
What an interesting cake!
I had to look up how much 2 sticks of butter is.
It’s 1 cup.
8 eggs too
My mum used to make her beaut sponge cakes with 8 eggs with added dash of aniseed flavour.
I want to recreate it like hers.
Took me ages to find aniseed essence! No shops around me here had it, including Italian delicatessen.
Everyone had vanilla essence but not aniseed.
So I found it on eBay and bought it from there!
It is a rotten recipe. Flour especially and sugars like Muscovado volumetric measurements—cup—are useless. Dry ingredients should be specified by weight, only liquids specified by volume and liquids like treacle measured by weight.
I will convert it to metric weight units here. E.g. 1 cup of butter = 225g.
This is a pretty good site for conversion US to gram: is specified in percentages, e.g.
Flour 100%
Water 65%
Salt. 2%
So for a loaf using 1Kg flour you use 1Kg flour, 65% of that is 650g or ml of water and 20g of salt. If you don’t want to use salt cut your finished and cooled loaf into thirds, freeze two and use the last one, then get the next one out the freezer etc—mould will form quickly if salt is not used.