Lisa Jones wrote on Nov 13
th, 2023 at 8:48am:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 13
th, 2023 at 8:40am:
Lisa Jones wrote on Nov 13
th, 2023 at 8:35am:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 13
th, 2023 at 8:30am:
Iran and Saudi Arabia may be playing go-along-get-along over this, but it is a paper-thin alliance.
Shia and Sunni despise each other far more than either despises Jews - they've been at each other for 1400 years.
Saudi Arabia is seeing its future in alliance with Israel, as do most of the Arab states. Iran sees this as a threat to its ambitions of supremacy in the Middle East.
However, all of them are now aware that this situation could trigger uprisings, civil war and revolutions within their respective borders which could, and would, threaten or collapse their respective regimes' grip on power.
Totally and utterly untrue.
Unsubstantiated BS!
Invented delusions!
So you're not aware of the Shia-Sunni divide and its millennia-old, blood-fueled struggle for Islamic supremacy of doctrine, then.
You really are a moron!
Here’s a free tip Meister Moron : Stop googling shyte from thousands of years ago. It’s the domain of Mad Manic Methra and her ilk. So it’s not a good look and it only makes YOU look dumber and more clueless than you already are.
You really have no idea. I mean where do I even start with your anachronistic googled BS?
You’re only misinforming yourself here. No one else. Oh Methra maybe. Only because she’s operating on her last drug fried brain cell. Or 80 yr old Drunk who lost his marbles many years ago. Think about that before you next post anything at me ok? And don’t forget I’m 100% Mediterranean. I mix with Mediterranean people. Lots of different and interesting Mediterranean people. They’re not all Catholic or Orthodox either. Many are Muslims too.
Ok Mister Moron
One of my own cousins is half Aussie half Greek. Her mum is Anglo Celt but her Dad (my 1st cousin) is full blooded Greek.
She married a Muslim guy. They’ve been married now for 10 years.
That Muslim guy has a lot to say about what is going on atm. None of it supports even remotely what you’re posting on OzPol.
I’m surrounded by 1st Gen Aussies of Lebanese Catholic and Lebanese Orthodox descent. And of course there’s the filthy rich Muslim drug lord who lives across the road and a few doors down.
I’m having morning or afternoon tea/coffee with these people all the time.
Nothing you post here indicates what these people and their entire clans are thinking or feeling.
Nothing. Your googled attempts have taken you down the wrong path.
You’re googling bits n pieces of ancient and modern history in some vain hope that it will give you the context you need to make some call on what’s going on right now?
Well you can’t.