Bobby. wrote on Nov 16
th, 2023 at 1:27pm:
Lisa Jones wrote on Nov 16
th, 2023 at 1:12pm:
The issues are very much deep seated AND long standing.
I’d like to be able to say more about your post by stating a few pertinent points from the Holy Bible.
Alas...the Holy Bible (and by extension those of us who believe in God’s Holy Word) are being needlessly vilified by disturbed individuals who are ignorant and unaware of the fact that the words they post under their various ID’s serve only to destroy discussions by weaponising online forums.
Bottom line : We’re at war wherever we are. And it’s because we can’t/won’t allow ourselves to communicate like civilised and sane human beings.
Hi Lisa,
I still get feelings of revulsion when I see docos about WW2 and WW1.
I think that although the Allies won in both wars they lost their souls.
It was mostly innocent civilians who died.
Look at the bombing of Dresden. was full of civilians and the only military targets were the railway stations
which sent German troops to the Russian front but the whole city was destroyed
with over 25,000 people killed.
Even in WW1 -
I bet soldiers on both sides thought -
' why are we shooting at each other - what did he do to me?
Why am I here? '
I thought that maybe the world had learnt its lesson from both world wars but it hasn't.
The Holy Bible clearly states that things will only get worse (especially for the elderly and women and children of our tragic world). The Word states that even the ENVIRONMENT will groan with much pain for all the unbearable abuse it will have suffered at the hands of humanity. People (irrespective of race or culture or education) will devolve and become savages devouring each other.
The economic, physical and psychological instability and terror will START in 1 place. Israel. That will be ground zero. Countries will join to support opposing sides there and this will spread the war globally involving chemical and biological weaponry.
On top of this apex of total disaster will be an interesting person with great political and religious (but nothing at all reflecting God or God’s values) clout. This person will APPEAR at a critical moment ie where no one can bear the turmoil any longer and will also APPEAR to have the solution for sustainable PEACE. An eloquent orator with Jewish links even so he fits all the right intersecting circles.
Many will fall under his trance like power. He will have links with a beast/machine/AI which contains and can use all human knowledge. That machine will allow him to control the peace process and through that process every country on the earth (as each country will be required to sign up to its terms). Israelis in particular will absolutely adore him! He’s their long awaited Messiah! The guy with all the right answers! The problem solver of all time!
I’ll let you guess who that person is referred to in the Bible.
But yeah .... it’s not the Messiah.
Note : Mister Moron - DO NOT respond to my posts in this topic which refer to the Holy Bible. I will not continue to be vilified by you!