greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 20
th, 2023 at 9:29pm:
Conservatives are still defending, and
encouraging, the murder of children by the IDF.
Dear oh dear
these sort of respinses should be analysed by the superior man
(brians yawning response fits the same category),
what are they?
they are a coping strategy for the poster
many people have low self esteem and a lot of self attack and self loathing
they can only survive by trying to cope.
the guy without a girlfriend uses porn as a cope
the fat guy with no energy might hit up a maccas on the way to work to try to cope with lethargy
or he might need a red bull or some speed.
a chick who just lost her boyfriend might hit the chocolate
a broke guy might hit the pokies or line up for a powerball ticket
an angry chick might go on line and vent onsocial media and all her angry chick friends can join in with a pity party
a guy who hates his job might smoke a joint at morning tea
a lonely guy might binge netflix
a scared person might go down some rabbit hole of covid catastrphisation or the opposite vaccine catastrophisation (the same thing).
humans , who arent doing wellm have to find a "cope"
its a way to prevent suicide
islam, christianity and judaism have a large degree of coping built in.
when i see gweggy posting the same thing or bwian posting the same thing, i just see "cope"
we should have a degree of compassion (like you might have for a homeless alcoholic or a pimply face teen you busted wanking or a fat guy chowing down on a big mac) because they are human beings
but you should also have a degree of disgust because life is short and time is a diminishing asset and you want to move away from the cope.
you want t move from trying to survive (coping) to trying to thrive.
this always involves being at the cause , not the effect.
Joe rogan (perhaps the worlds most influential person) has a good atomic habit..
post and ghost
post what you have to say and then leave.
do not read the responses
just put your energy out into the world and be satisfied with that
he has maintained excellent mental equilibrium
if you look at jordan peterson, he has much more to post BUT he responds
that is part of HIS cope and it has slowly made him cynical and a bit bitter
do not do that
dont let these things into your mind
i rarely read a gweg post except to use it as a cautionary tale and as a study of a human who does not wish to flourish.
i would advice people to look up some of the great content on you tube on the young people of the IDF. or even the old ones
if that doesnt inspire you, you are truly lost