John Smith wrote on Oct 31
st, 2023 at 7:58pm:
Quote:Is that a cactus in FD's signature or is he just pleased to see us?
Didn't he once pretend he was concerned for Islamic women? I didn't realise that bombing them into oblivion was the solution.
Really? You must have missed all of FD's posts with the diabolical
There, he dealt with bombing them into oblivion. Abu got FD ever so toosh, you see. FD bit every time.
Sorry, FD? We asked. Did you really mean that?
FD went all shy, so we asked again. Are you sure you meant
bombing them into oblivion? We asked. It took a few goes, but sure enough, FD acknowledged that he meant just that.
You're not surprised, are you? FD banned you for a year for pointing out he has a thing for Muslim women and, you know,
FD keeps it in his sig, just to rub it in.
Freeeeedom, innit.