Bobby. wrote on Nov 5
th, 2023 at 7:56am:
Karnal wrote on Nov 4
th, 2023 at 11:31pm:
Your DL moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, Bobby. That one deal alone fixed Hamas up. He then tore up the Iran nuclear deal. Iran started getting really heavy then, sending Hezbollah in to work with Hamas. DL put all his eggs in the Saudis' basket, and Jared got the skim.
When Sleepy Joe got in, he got stuck with Ukraine. He had no time to work on your DL's fuck ups. He's stuck with them now - and Chi-na haven't even invaded Taiwan yet.
Ever get the feeling you've been fudged?
Look at the state of the world under Biden:a war in Israel that threatens to go nuclear and turn into WW3
a huge war in Ukraine,
a nuclear catastrophe could happen at any second with shelling
of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactors.
It could be a lot worse than Chernobyl or Fukushima -
poisoning all of Europe all over 4 little areas that no one had heard of 2 years ago.
Europe suffering under shortages of energy: gas, oil etc.
Europe's economy in a serious nosedive.
China raging against Taiwan - another huge war ready to break out.
Daily incursions of at least 20 war planes over Taiwan territorial waters.
Military exercises surrounded all of Taiwan.
It's a tinderbox.
Afghanistan left in a mess but full of $billions in left over high tech weapons
for the terrorists.
Terrorists from all over the Middle East taking refuge there.
Training with new high tech US weapons.
The US economy headed towards a destructive recession
which will infect the whole world.
Covid still out of control affecting the whole world -
people dying by the millions.
Biden has been a catastrophe for the world. You say look at the world right now, then you go into speculation that was just as relevant when your DL was in.
Consider the facts. Your DL overturned the Iran nuke deal, he walked out of meetings with Kim, he announced his Afghanistan withdrawal plans to the Taliban and he gave Vlad a green light in Ukraine. To show how much he cared, he then went and blocked congressional military aid to Ukraine. Ultimately, he kept threatening to withdraw from NATO, and came close many times. He abandoned key US allies like the Kurds, and lost key defence and national security advisors in the process.
All of those pundits have testified how much damage this did to America's standing and reputation. It proved Vlad's intelligence right: DL was the perfect candidate for Russia because he's mentally deficient and unhinged. Look at any footage of DL with Vlad and you'll see a slight smirk on Vlad's face - a look of smug satisfaction mixed with embarrassed shock at what just came out of DL's mouth. Did he
really say that?
He did. Every foreign secretary and NSA has acknowledged it: your DL is a complete moron, dumb as a rock, unbelievably stupid, reckless, dangerous and the worst possible choice imaginable for a US president.
These are direct quotes. Lifelong Republican hawks like Bolton have said they'd vote Democrat before voting for your DL.
Biden, by contrast, stepped in just in time. He reunited the US's allies and recommitted American support for democracy and multilateral diplomacy. The exact opposite of what you say is true: the US was already in recession while your DL was in office, playing golf. Biden got to work, rolled out vaccines, worked on an infrastructure funding deal and got the US
out of recession.
These are facts. Not only are they reflected in hard data, they're backed by the majority of your DL's staffers, advisors and cabinet members.
So I'm curious. At what point do you finally concede the bleeding obvious? Before your DL gets back in and makes things worse, or
after?Right now, no one really knows what after could mean, but it's not looking good. DL's own hardened Republican staffers are talking about the end of the American republic. They're serious.