I'm hearing of more and more parents taking their kids out of Government Public Schools (NSW) because of the increase in violence to their kids.
Seems 'discipline' has gone out of the window at these Government Schools in way of violence, substance abuse in the open, lack of homework, lack of funding by the Government and much more.
Violence against Teachers is also apparent that nearly every Teacher seeks employment in Private or Catholic Schools (Even Islamic Schools) - rather than work in Government Schools.
It's pretty obvious that in Government Schools there are no 'consequences' for the actions of the kids, unlike in Private where the Wrath of the Parents would be great if the kid gets suspended at $6,000+ a term costs.
Another factor is the 'self esteem' of the Government Schools who can only afford one Lathe for Industrial Arts or one Guitar for Music - while the Private Schools who rake it in off the Parents also get funded by the Government and thus have something like four Lathes and four Guitars, etc.
How and why the extra funding that Government/Public Schools desperately need, is going to Private Schools is beyond me?
Anyone got an idea on how this is and why?
So this is why more Parents are teaching their kids at HOME SCHOOL, no different to when COVID Lockdowns were in place, or how Remote Area kids have had to be educated.
Sure beats having their kids bashed by bullies who love posting their exploits on Instagram and such just for the hell of it and because there is NO DISCIPLINE of CONSEQUENCE for their violent actions.
It's getting to the point where I can tell the Private School (and Catholic) kids from the Govt/Public - 'behavior'. The Private are very well behaved, disciplined in their actions and commitments and polite. Govt/Public are ADHD nutcases.
The only odd factor in this Opening Post is that when it comes to HSC results, there is no defining bias of High Scorers between Govt/Public, Catholic and Private.
Mostly females though, Govt/Public Students still score high in the HSC competively and I wonder if the 'adversity' of having to deal with the violence and behaviour of other students, along with a weak 'adult' discipline culture makes them a 'better' student in the long run, than those who score high also in a system where the adversity comes only from the Adults and a strong discipline from the Private?
Anyway - do you think Albanese can fix this Problem?
If so - vote 'Yes'.

I would say he doesn't give a hoot and this will only get worse.
...is the Government turning out like their Schools?