Bobby. wrote on Nov 7
th, 2023 at 12:24pm:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 7
th, 2023 at 12:19pm:
bobby, you shouldnt watch the footage
did you know after 9/11 studies of people showed that those who watched more then 20 hrs of footage had a higher rate of PTSD then people who were actually in the towers and survived.
your brain cant distinguish
i dont watch gaza
i dont watch car accidents at daylesford
none of it.
stop seeing yourself as a human
see yourself as a party or a house
YOU have control of who gets in and who doesnt
dont let debbie downers into the party. rats and snakes dont get into the house.
you have a duty to yourself to keep the bad stuff out .
You have a point.
I could never understand the senseless loss of live and total destruction of war.
i watched a few shows on ill treatment of factory animals
didnt sleep well for a month
now you can use that to motivate you to take action (never buy woolies chickens or pork) but after that , further watching is insane
helpless animals distress me
i imagine helpless gazans distress some viewers
dont watch it
use it as motivation to do something positive.
maybe find a member of the apex gang and tell him how much you admire his joggers.
tell him you have a hedge that needs trimming and you will pay him 100 bucks to come around with his machete
find the win/win.
the media are using the gazans as unpaid soap opera stars in a real live action realitv show,
if the entire population of the world refused to watch, cnn and deuthce vella and the bbc go home and hamas go back to herding their goats.
attention is cash
dont add more gas to the fire