Re-post here in case another thread gets deleted from the Tavern.
Dear Agnes,
you need a thick skin to be a moderator.
When I was voted
Exalted Leader at the real PA
here: and Smith and a few others - the Mongs -
ran hourly and even minute by minute denigration posts
about me at Aussie's Relationship MRB here.
It went on for months - sometimes many posts per hour
of made up stories about me that were wrong and slanderous.
If the Mongs don't like you they'll do it to you too.
The silly part was that when they finally got their mate Aussie
to be the Exalted Leader at the real PA - they stopped posting there.
The place is now dead - about 5 posts per month.
All their slander achieved nothing for anyone.
They are toxic and are forum destroyers.
You're just getting a taste of it now.