Daves2017 wrote on Dec 31
st, 2024 at 9:50pm:
Captain Nemo wrote on Dec 31
st, 2024 at 9:24pm:
There is a cartoon circulating in Asian circles showing malnourished Australian children eating their Christmas tree.
Another with Anthony Downers famous front page story / photo showing no lights on in North Korea trying to embarrass them
The caption translated into.
Australia Brisbane 2025 they must be very proud.
( yes they have drawn him with his fish net stocking on)
Indeed - all the chickens are coming home to roost.... all the absolute losers we've had trying to run the show with no real idea, an ideology, half a brain, and far too much comfort zone are beginning to be shown up for what they were all the time... hopeless. The country is falling into ruin.
Albo's Grand Plan - to wake the Australian People up and restore their power in politics, restore their rightful place as those who lay down the orders etc, and to essentially overthrow the parties and their monopoly on increasingly every part of everyone's life, using the voice that he knew would fail but which would wake the sleeping giant of the people - is starting to roll.
Albo may go down in history as the Greatest Man Who Never Was - he who sought to Free The Blacks etc and failed dismally ... or he may go down in history as the Great Statesman who started the ball rolling towards a restoration of power to the people by slapping them in the face with a plan for Apartheid...... the jolt The People needed to wake them up and begin to re-assert their power .... I can't read that deeply into his mind .....but nobody could be so crazy as to actually believe in all the rot that the parties, and especially Labor, have been putting out.
I should write the book..... but I fear I lack the talent....
Remember Orwell's formless, vague and unformed concept, as espoused by Smith? That the only real hope lay with the proles?
Albo has awakened the proles..... maybe he has a bigger plan than we are seeing........... or maybe he is just another failure as we see him ....