MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 26
th, 2023 at 5:43pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Nov 26
th, 2023 at 4:39pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 26
th, 2023 at 1:38pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Nov 26
th, 2023 at 1:15pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 26
th, 2023 at 11:17am:
thegreatdivide wrote on Nov 26
th, 2023 at 10:54am:
That you can't see the difference between 'natural'/ instinctive law, and man-made law in a new world order, is your intellectual incapacity.
All law is man-made.
Yeh...but some law is made by modern day Neanderthals like you....(not an ad hominem, because you are indeed arguing for the triump of instinct over reason... hence a "Neanderthal", by definition).
5000 ( + 500?) children recently slaughtered, to serve your sick "freedom" ideology.
Awww... you're a lonely old bitch! Have you tried seniors' lawn bowls?
Back to the ad hominems.... but let's read on, to see you continue making a fool of yourself with your delusional
individual freedom/rights ideology
Quote:Human instinct and sensibility always trump reason. Human reason retrospectively justifies instinct and sensibility.
Reason encompasses
'sensibility'/perception - unless you are a Neanderthal like yourself.
Quote:Reason arises from human instincts and sensibilities.
There you are, hung by your own ignorance and stupidty; reason arises from the
capacity to think (endowed by the human cortex brain), independently of instinct.
Quote:Where else can law through reason arise from?
From the cortex brain, dummy.
Quote:Or are you proposing that a transcendental interventionist god actually writes laws on stone tablets that transcend or contradict human instinct and sensibility? you have descended to asking FD's silly questions.
Quote:Either that or you're deifying reason - as if reason itself was a universal force for good - never for the worse.
Pure reason - following from the capacity for analysis - is neither good or evil (it's a gift of God granted to humans); but it can distinguish between good or evil, and make laws on behalf of universal well-being and collective security.
Or it can be crippled by your reptilian brain which is still kicking and screaming after a billion years of evolution....
Geez, where to start
with this dribble...
"Dribble" this self-serving justification of your neanderthal instincts:
"Reason arises from human instincts and sensibilities".Reason - analytical thinking - is not instinct, obviously. Animals don't reason.
Quote:Define perception such that it's not just a synonym of sensibility or a component of it.
Perception isn't reasoning, it's perceiving via the senses.
Reason arises from a capacity to think
. As all humans think, explain the significance of this where thought does not arise from, and is not informed by, human instinct and sensibility.
It's the task of human civilization to free itself from thinking influenced by instinct, where this results in catastrophe.
"Civilization is a race between education (my edit: "instinct-free thinking")
and catastrophe" HG Wells.
[Reason] arises from the cortex brain
. Explain this where the cortex brain is separate and independent of, and is not informed by, human instinct and sensibility.
The cortex brain is an evolved appendage to the the reptilian brain. The task of human civilization is to free itself from the
negative consequences of mindless instinct, where these result in disaster eg war. Start by getting rid of the veto in the UNSC., and implementing the provisions of the UNUDHR.
Reason is 'a gift of God granted to humans
so you can insinuate a deity into your argument, but Jews can't, then. And if the deity is wrathful?
The Jewish God IS wrathful, authourizing genocide (Moses had to intecede on even the Jews' behalf to stop God destroying them also...); that's why Marcion, when collating texts for the evolving NT canon in the first century AD, rejected the OT entirely. But reason in conjunction with 'reverence for life' (Albert Schweitzer) is joyful.
and make laws on behalf of universal well-being and collective security.
What divine revelation are you referring to that spoke of 'universal well-being and collective security'?
See artists and humanitarians like Schweitzer (above).
Quote:Or do you think a god spoke to you directly after the nurse spiked your milk with morphine?
Your desperate, instinctive, unthinking 'freedom or death' ideation has crippled your mind, obviously.