MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 27
th, 2023 at 10:57am:
What does knowing yourself mean in isolation from human instinct and sensibility?
It means knowing (being aware of) both instinct, and your capacity to think independently of it, something animals can't do. Of course, instinct is unconscious, but its existance can be inferred by observation.
Quote:Life, not death is exactly the outcome that human instinct is for.
Of course, nature began with instinct as the organism's survival mechanism. But unmanaged instinct in the aggregate runs the risk of destruction, given men's abilities to engage in technology-enhanced arms races, and the potential for MAD.
Quote:That which harms me = bad. That which helps me = good.
Yes, at the individual level; but an arms race might result in catastrophe.
Quote:It's why when we hear a sudden loud noise, we instinctively crouch to protect our organs.
That's right, the unthinking survival mechanism, as opposed to a
reasoned plan to eg, "save mankind from the scourge of war" (war being an unreasoning instinctive activity).
But you need to be dragged kicking and screaming to implement such a plan, because it opposes your (unthinking) instincts.
Quote:How do we choose anything that is not informed by human instinct and sensibility?
By making
conscious choices to do so, eg to "save n mankind from the scorge of war" (eg, under a regime of international law which outlaws war as a means of dispute settlement).
Quote:No. You crapped on about Schweitzer.
Because Schweitzer was a non-orthodox Christian who actually believed in - and practiced - Christ's Great Commandments: "Love God and love one-another".
...the opposite of your "freedom, or death (to those who oppose your ideology) ideation, demanding the slaughter of you, your 'enemy', or often both.
Quote:What you think is a god that has reverence for life, like your erotic obsession with the CCP, maybe for others a disease that needs to be eradicated.
So now you reveal your 'thinking" - much less reasoning - in all its monstrosity; life, and reverence for it, is now a "disease that needs to be eradicated" according to you.
[I have already noted your penchant for dealing with
unwanted ideology - unwanted by you - via slaughter, rather than education].
Quote:Given you insinuated a deity into your argument to explain reason, you left reason behind and wafted off into mysticism.
Explained above, with reference to Schweitzer. who was inspired by "Love God and love oneanother" - an example of pure
life affriming reason, from the Jew called Chrst, 2000 years ago.
As opposed to the death-affirming, instinct-driven
unreason of your "freedom or death" ideation.....