Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 17
th, 2023 at 2:54pm:
Apart from Booby and the Road Deaths thread, what do you have in your board?
(Yours until end March I expect.)
No, I do not like snitches.
You DO realise you just banned, for no real reason, two of the people who could make your board work? {Oops!} As Shonk just showed you you blithering idiot!
Hey Monk. Don't you dare dump your failure on me!
I was more than happy to allow you and Smith to 'contribute' as you have just posted of making my Board work.
Have you seen me ban others?
No. You both 'forced' me to ban you both. You asked for me to ban you both.
You tried to make me out as a Dictator Mod hypocrite, but all you achieved was to show that I wasn't going to be a Weak/Gutless and intimidated Mod either. I just did my duty as a Mod in giving you both 'what you both wanted' - to be banned and thus comment on how much of a 'Dictator hypocrite' I am - which is what you did.
Have some balls and own it.