We live in an era when leftists see racism everywhere. Criticise Islam and you’re an Islamophobe. Ask someone, “Where are you from?” and you’ve committed a racial microaggression. Wonder out loud if we need to “stop the boats” and you’re basically Hitler.
The left doesn’t downplay racism – it exaggerates it. Crikey is a good example. It railed against the “racism” of those who voted no to the voice to parliament. It frequently frets over the media’s “anti-Muslim commentary”.
And yet when a heaving mob of extremists cried “gas the Jews”, its instinct was to investigate. To cast doubt. To ask probing questions.Why? Here’s my view. It’s because the left treats anti-Jewish racism less seriously than other forms of racism.
It’s because none of the left’s woke rules apply to Jews. Witness how the progressive cry “Believe women” was likewise quietly ditched following Hamas’s brutalisation of women and girls in Israel. Don’t believe “those” women.
It’s because Jews seem always to be excluded from the moral universe of showy left-wing concern.
After that Crikey piece appeared, I saw armies of the vile online saying: “See, I told you all those claims of anti-Semitism were overblown.”
I have no doubt that was not Lattouf and Wilson’s intention. But it’s what happened.
And forget everything else about the Lattouf affair – it’s this that was unforgivable.
https://www.theaustralian.com.au/inquirer/crikey-the-left-has-outdone-itself-wit...The Left are spineless, hypochritical, bent Bbwianesque apologists.