Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 21
st, 2024 at 11:37am:
[quote author=AusbetterWorld link=1704186556/132#132 date=1705798189]
"the victimhood industry" doesn't exist, people claiming they are hurt by certain policies does exist, though their arguments are sometimes flawed/misplaced.
eg, the gap does exist, but blacks claiming it's "because Oz doesn't respect our culture" is a faulty argument.
You just showed where it does.
Ah --yes; but here's the thing: you claim the 'victimhood industry' is a real thing, while ignoring the
real basis of the disadvantage which gives rise to your misnamed 'victim industry',
Which is really a 'disadvantage industry'; regardless of theories of causation, the disadvantage is real.
And you say it's up to the individual to escape
disadvantage, though you appear to admit (below) personal responsibility isn't the only factor involved in escaping disadvantage -
no doubt because you see disadvantage as resulting from (subjective) 'victimhood'.
Still with the victimhood industry line...
Quote:You really have no idea -
see above? Quote:Not my words - I can safely leave those to others. your paranoia is showing. I'm NOT ignorant (parrot or otherwise). Thanks.
Let's not be too hasty - you ARE all of those....
Quote: why do you remain mired in the basics and keep repeating those like a parrot?
'Parrot was apt when someone else brought it up... still is ...
because macroeconomic settings (implemented by government), are as important as personal responsibility for individuals' outcomes.
Quote:I never claimed it was 'responsible' - just that at the point of decision the individual had the choice of going there or not .... do you see the difference?
Ah - so "choices" , rather than responsibility...
Not a DIRECT cause - as in 'responsible for' - the essence is what people choose to do with their situation .. not hard, you know.
Yes, I see the difference: but the external environment (and maybe genetics) influences those choices in different ways for different individuals, as numerous studies attest.
Of course many things influence those decisions - but that does not make those things 'responsible' for the individual being at that crossroads.... it isn't always because 'society did it to them' - the essence of the victimhood industry....
Quote:You DENY personal choice, but then confirm it constantly ...very confused of you..
It's funny you should claim that - recall my comment above; you see disadvantage as resulting from (subjective) 'victimhood' rather than external circumstances beyond the choices of individuals (but no-one chooses economic recessions).
No - I do not - I see the two as separate issues.... one may not choose all of one' environment - but one chooses to be or to remain a victim by claiming everything wrong is always due to some source out of their control - including 'genetics'. It's called 'cop-out'.
Quote:An individual has the choice of changing environments .....
refuted above, you can't change environments in a global recession, or tight job market.
Doesn't mean the individual has to remain mired in the mud they are in... or become an alcoholic or whatever, or play the perpetual victim.
Quote: which is precisely what I tell people to do when they come to me about their awful dysfunctional family that perpetually drags them down, while stressing that it is not easy to do, but is the only way forward.
Good advice, if inadequate; government also has a responsibility to reduce the incidence of dysfunction in families and communities.
Well - set them to it - not that they're doing much of a job of it with groups such as Alice Springs Abos.... a little bit of talk... it's a sheila thing... hold a chat-fest and do nothing....
Quote: There are those in life/families who embrace the family ethos - there are those who reject it.... often this is along birth order lines, especially in high dysfunction ... you will find that those who reject are often the much better find.
Again, only half the story; dysfunctioal families don't exist in isolation from the community around them.
Social workers in the Alice are trying to create circumstances in which individuals in dysfunctional families will make better personal choices, but the government ought also be implemeting policies to reduce the incidence of dysfunction in the first place.
Step 1. replace welfare dependency with paid work.
... and this 'work' - how does it meaningfully contribute to the economy and even the outlook of those invovled... a. by creating more divide .... internal and external ... now that's brilliant ....
Step 2. Don't argue over which comes first - the chicken (responsibility for welfare dependency) or the egg (a job provided by government acting as employer of last resort).
I don't argue over responsibility for 'welfare dependency'
- I simply state facts which do not apply to all equally - if the cap fits... wear it. All been tried to no avail... next!!
Just do it.