Jasin wrote on Jan 17
th, 2024 at 8:16pm:
Don't know what planet you're on Wombatwoody.
But 'Military' has always 'ruled' the Middle-East.
Politics only rules North America.
...hell, both are failing in Europe - which will be ruled by Elvis and Eurovision.
Israel is a prime 'Military' nation.
Not a Political one.
Not a Religious one.
Despite 'religions' in the Middle-East. It has always been 'Military' action that has ruled the Region. Always.
To repeat:
'Influential rabbis, who have a considerable following among Israeli army officers, identify the Palestinians (or even all Arabs) with those ancient nations, so that commands like "thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth" acquire a topical meaning. In fact, it is not uncommon for reserve soldiers called up to do a tour of duty in the Gaza Strip to be given an "educational lecture" in which they are told that the Palestinians of Gaza are "like the Amalekites."
Prof. Israel Shahak
And to say Israel is not a religious nation shows a poor understanding of the state of affairs:
Master of War
by Tzvi Fishman
July 31, 2006
While the war is still raging in Lebanon, and everyone is talking about air strikes, ground offensives and cease-fires, it is worthwhile to remember what our sages have taught us about war.
The Biblical perspective on war can be summarized in David's confident proclamation to Goliath: "And all of this assembly shall know that the L-rd saves not with sword or spear; for the battle is the L-rd's, and He will deliver you into our hands." (I Samuel, 18:47)
Rabbi Uzi Kalcheim, in his book Aderet Emunah, writes that regarding the nations of the world, victory in war results from natural and physical causes, such as the military's size and weaponry, or the nation's resolve for battle. Israel's successes, however, come from the Living G-d. The Jewish soldier must make the necessary preparations and not rely on miracles; yet, he must know that salvation comes from G-d. Thus, we find in the Torah that "The L-rd is a Man of War." (Exodus, 15:3)
In the rise and fall of nations, and in the ever-changing sweep of history, our sages recognize that it is the Almighty who brings everything to pass. The Talmud presents an argument between G-d and the nations of the world, who claim that the deeds they did and the wars they fought were all for the sake of Israel.
The Holy One Blessed Be He answered: "Everything you did, you did for your own sakes. You built bridges to collect tolls; you conquered regions to impose taxes; and wars, I made, as it is written, 'the L-rd is a Man of War.'" (Avodah Zorah 2A)
In his book Orot, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook devotes a full chapter to war, explaining that war is an integral part of the redemption process of Israel. He writes:
When there is a great war in the world, the power of Mashiach (Messiah) awakens. The time of the songbird has come, the weeding away of tyrants. The evil ones are obliterated from the world, the world becomes more perfected, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in the land. (Orot, Ch.2:1)
Certainly, the death of Hizbullah and Hamas leaders and terrorist fighters would make the world a better place. But Rabbi Kook is saying much more.
His understanding evolves from the viewpoint that all of world history is subordinate to the development process of the Jewish People. Our sages teach that the world was created for Israel. From this perspective, international upheavals like wars come to advance the redemption of the Jewish People. For example, in modern times, the Balfour Declaration, which recognized the right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel, was a direct outcome of the First World War. The aftermath of World War II marked an additional step in Israel's redemption, with the foundation of the State of Israel. The Six-Day War led to the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty over all of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, the heartland of Biblical Israel.
These hallmarks of Jewish history, and their connection to the wars that preceded them, are obvious discernible facts. While textbooks and historians may expound a plethora of social, political and economic theories in explaining these great wars, the discerning Jewish eye can see a more exalted plan. These history-shaping wars were the instruments G-d used to return the nation of Israel to its Promised Land (War and Peace, Ch. 1, by Rabbi David Samson and Tzvi Fishman).
Thus, we say in our morning prayers, "The Master of Wars, the sower of righteousness, Who causes salvation to sprout... cause a new light to shine upon Zion." This is the step-by-step scheme of redemption. The salvation of the Jewish People and the new light on Zion come about through the Master of Wars. Rabbi Kook writes: "All of these flow forth from the Master of Wars, Who lays destruction in the land to bring forth the light of justice and holiness." (Letters of Rabbi Kook, Vol. 3:819)
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