freediver wrote on Jan 24
th, 2024 at 10:26am:
Quote:If someone comes into your home and says : "I'm now going to claim possession of part of your home" - who is the terrorist?
Uh, neither of us. That's a little hysterical, don't you think?
Hysterical? When the intruder backs up his claim with force, I don't think so.
Quote:Seven maps there.
Are you saying that there is no map available clearly showing how the border would change under your preferred option?
No; "my" preference is immaterial, the UN proposal for the two states, with borders shown in UN res 181 (shown in several of those maps) is what the UN should implement, since the UN drew up the maps without the agreeement of the Arab world - which was impossible to attain in 1947.
That's why implementation of UN 242, with final borders to be determined "by negotiation" (sic) between the parties, is a non-starter; Hamas wants Israel to disappear, and Netanyahu wants the WB as a 'security buffer zone'.
Negotiations are impossibe, ever since the murder of peacemaker PM Rabin, by a Jewish zionist nut-job.
In short, the UN should never have voted to partition the Palestine Mandate, without the capacity to guarantee the security of both states.
But I have explained what the UN can do now, given the 5 permanent UNSC members think the creation of 2 states is necessary for peace in the ME - and the UNSC can do it, without
negotiations re borders between Netanyahu and Hamas (an impossibility).