JC Denton wrote on Feb 15
th, 2024 at 12:47pm:
Quote:What would it prove, or how would it enable government to close the gap?
it would give some indication as to whether "the gap" is even closable at all;
Of course it is; a suitable above poverty job (ie, useful work, matched to the indivdual's abilities) by definition will eradicate systemic poverty.
Quote:it may also absolve the people who are inevitably blamed for creating or perpetuating 'the gap' in some way or another that are willing to accept the results
Nonsense, and YOU are not absolved: anyone can perform useful work, regardless of identity.
Quote:but hey, it's just taxpayer money we are wasting on achieving something that might be completely impossible (at least without resorting to measures even i think would be a waste of time)
If you insist on remaining ignorant about money, including "taxpayer money" so be it.
But stop blaming blacks for the egregious gap your ignorance is responsible for.
Note: a currency-issuing government doesn't NEED your money, by definition. That's just a convention still hanging over from the middle ages when even kings had to borrow money from the local usurer/banker.
Quote:getting real bored of this repetitive dogma buddy - put up something more interesting than what is an effect the sociologist's fallacy over and over again or you're not getting another response from me
"Sociologist's fallacy"? Actually it's a brain-dead mainstream economists' fallacy.
We are well past the classical era of
scarcity in the face of unlimited wants. In the age of AI and IT, there is no scarcity of essentials, so it's time for practitioners of 'the dismal science' to think again.
[eg the farmers' protests in India: good harvests mean prices fall and farmers can't pay their debts....absolute economic madness.]
Quote:DEPLORABLE - wanker
Ignorance is indeed deplorable.