thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 30
th, 2024 at 9:54am:
wombatwoody wrote on Mar 27
th, 2024 at 10:33pm:
Frank wrote on Mar 26
th, 2024 at 3:12pm:
On 29 November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted on the partition plan, adopted by 33 votes to 13 with 10 abstentions. The Jewish side accepted the UN plan for the establishment of two states. The Arabs rejected it and launched a war of annihilation against the Jewish state.
Repeating the same myth over and over again won't make it true:
'There is a widely accepted belief that United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 “created” Israel, based upon an understanding that this resolution partitioned Palestine or otherwise conferred legal authority or legitimacy to the declaration of the existence of the state of Israel. However, despite its popularity, this belief has no basis in fact, as a review of the resolution’s history and examination of legal principles demonstrates incontrovertibly.' The author makes a good case that the UN had no authority to partition Palestine.
The UN was the West's post WW2 baby, created to try to avoid another global calamanity; but the Muslim world wasn't consulted about carving Israel out of Palestine - a scheme long desired by British zionists, going back to the days of global British hegemony.
Poor Palestine, poor UN, poor humanity....
The UN creates nothing. That is why even Hammond has the word in inverted commas, "created".
The UN voted to approve the resolution for the creation of two states within specified borders. The Jewish leadership accepted the vote and created the State of Israel by declaring it, along the lines of the UN resolution, thereby giving the new state UN endorsed legitimacy.
The Arabs, never ever wanting or endorsing ANY Jewish state in Israel, rejected the UN resolution, rejected the declaration of creating of Israel and immediately attacked it to stangle it at birth. They failed to kill it off. Subsequently the Arabs were offered another 5 opportunities to create a Palestinian state. They rejected all of them because they are not interested in a Palestinian state.
They are only interested in the non-existence of a Jewish state in Israel, in the elimination of Israel, "from the river to the sea". There is no Palestinian plan for an Israel in the Middle East within ANY borders.