Bobby. wrote on Feb 4 th, 2024 at 11:26pm: Bias_2012 wrote on Feb 4 th, 2024 at 11:15pm: Apparently this is why I had to do two years military conscription, to let black Africans in to murder who ever they like, grannies even
Some one said that if you wanted to participate in a democracy and reap the benefits from it, then you should be willing do your bit and fight to hang on to said democracy
One small problem though ... we couldn't tell what the future had in store for us ... now we know, muslim terrorists killing people in the streets of Melbourne and Sydney, and black Africans killing people who won't hand over their personal possessions
In the meantime, there's the sycophant weak-as-piss Qld premier who just says: "Geez, it was a terrible thing wasn't it" - what a completely useless ratbag of a human being
The Lib Lab rigor mortis parties are responsible for this murder and they excuse it. I never vote for them, My refusal to vote for them goes back a long way, to the time when 90% of cops were corrupt and it took a pommie chief of police to sort them out. Now they're corrupted by ridiculous political correctness favoring certain ethnic groups. To the time when Malcolm Fraser was Minister for the Army and he blamed dead diggers for not doing their jobs properly in Vietnam. To the Labor party for mostly ignoring conscripts after discharge, no help for rehabilitation back into the workforce. To the time of Al Grassby in his stupid poofter clothing and implying Aussies weren't really Australian but wogs were. To the time when the Libs and Labs said their immigration policy was none of our business .... Just a few reasons I've never voted for them, and they've gone from bad to worse
They never use their full brains, each only uses half their brain, Labs one half, Libs the other half. That's the important thing to remember, neither uses their full brain, they're used to it now, after such a long time, it's become genetic, their body and mind is accustomed to "half-brain" thought processes. They may never come back from it, and they're dragging us into the same "half-brain" abyss. Try and stay out of it if you can.
No one ever voted to bring them here. But they did
However, I certainly never voted to bring them here. Voting for the two Major rigor mortis parties is a mugs game, best left to those who revel in self inflicted punishment