Bias_2012 wrote on Mar 1
st, 2024 at 10:38pm:
Frank wrote on Mar 1
st, 2024 at 7:01pm:
you cant have a successful society that is BOTH multiracial/cultural AND anti-assimilationist.
If you do not want whites-only, you must insist on assimilation - after all, people come to Australia, Europe, America for the culture in those places. They shuld be expected to assimiltate to them.
Non-assimilationist multiulturalism is a disaster on every level. It is a tribalisation of previously cohesive societies with strong socil solidarity.
And a unified society would have no trouble filling positions in the military, that's how it was last century from 1901 to 1970. Today they're lucky to even get a cook
The govt is paying existing troops $50,000 as an incentive to stay on - good old patriotism is dead in the water, money is the new patriotism. Even then, you'd never get a Palestinian Australian to defend Israel, even if he/she was a member of the ADF, nor a muslim for deployment to the Red Sea
The Libs and Labs have fallen into their own deep murky trap. With multi/race/multiculturalism comes multi reasons for not defending Australia
$50,000 a year is SFA. That's gross salary.
It's $17 dollars an hour .... where's any incentive there?
who the bugger would join the ADF on that pittance?
who would put their life on the line for their country for that paltry sum?
You'd be better off on the dole.