Frank wrote on Mar 1
st, 2024 at 7:01pm:
you cant have a successful society that is BOTH multiracial/cultural AND anti-assimilationist.
If you do not want whites-only, you must insist on assimilation - after all, people come to Australia, Europe, America for the culture in those places. They should be expected to assimilate to them.
Non-assimilationist multiculturalism is a disaster on every level. It is a tribalisation of previously cohesive societies with strong social solidarity.
And a unified society would have no trouble filling positions in the military, that's how it was last century from 1901 to 1970. Today they're lucky to even get a cook
The govt is paying existing troops $50,000 as an incentive to stay on - good old patriotism is dead in the water, money is the new patriotism. Even then, you'd never get a Palestinian Australian to defend Israel, even if he/she was a member of the ADF, nor a muslim for deployment to the Red Sea
The Libs and Labs have fallen into their own deep murky trap. With multi/race/multiculturalism comes multi reasons for not defending Australia.
$50,000 a year is SFA.
an hour .... where's any incentive there?
You'd be better off on the dole.