The tranny agenda is going down by the day......
I told yez all pre-Albo taking the helm that, in exactly the same way as the Abbott Government, the Albanese government would be a watershed in Australian politics.
True - Albo instantly launched his pet Dobermann of a 'voice' of apartheid, exclusion, disruption, supremacism, cultural war, and skin colour war against the people of Australia. The people smashed it down for one reason - we are supposed to live in a country where all are equal and some do not just get special rights all the time by demanding it.
Now we see an emboldened electorate - formerly The Silenced Majority afraid to speak out - standing up and being counted as regards other forms of abuse - not least of which is this vile assault on children... and now we see the truth of 'governments' here as regards this insane abuse of children - bash down those who object to it....
Imagine seeing Victorian police beating on women who object to toilet invasion etc, and on innocent bystanders who oppose the trans agenda - and leaving entirely alone the trannies who rant and carry on and shout and yell and punch and threaten women .... KristallNacht Mk II ..... J'ACCUSE!!
And you reckon we are not living in a modern version of Lenin's Russia, Stalin's Russia, Hitler's Germany, Xi's China....
Now you begin to see the truth of where the West is heading...... and it ain't the 'right wingers' like Trump (he's not really, you know) who are doing this.... it is the Bolsheviki ... the 'leftist progressives' with legislative guns in their hands clearing out the opposition.......
... we are that close to going out forever, Australia.......