Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 19
th, 2024 at 9:59am:
Kanga - it is up to you to provide YOUR evidence - something that has been 100% lacking to date
I'm not asking you to provide evidence, I'm asking you, what calibre of evidence will you actually accept.
What would it take to change your mind?
We've been through this before, I've provided you with peer-reviewed information and you rejected it because you didn't like the conclusion. From memory, it was research into children's health in Indigenous communities and concerns over youth incarceration.
So let's not repeat the same mistakes of the past.
So this time, I'm asking you, for you to accept any evidence I provide you as true and not immediately dismiss it, what sort of source does it need to come from?
Not what evidence, but the type of source, the type or research or opinion etc.
I gave you some examples,
KangAnon wrote on Dec 17
th, 2024 at 12:18pm:
If I were to engage with you over the Cass Review, what sort of evidence would you require to not simply dismiss what I have to say, like you do everything else you don't like?
Peer reviews by the University of York, or the World Professional Association for Transgender Health or the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health?
What about follow-up information direct from the author herself?
You've made up your mind about what the review concludes, so what would it take to change your mind?
Stop pretending to be the dumbest fu
person in the room.
To clear the air, I've not read the Cass Review in its entirety yet. I'm waiting to see if you're capable of a good-faith debate on the topic before I sink that time in.
Unlike you, I won't be cherry-picking from others' summations of the review.
So if you kindly answer the question, we can continue.