Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 21
st, 2024 at 2:30pm:
When you launch a monster monologue - I simply do this... and move on ... you've reached that point with your audience just like dividie and poor old mothra who nobody really bothers with much any more for the same reason - you are honoured that I even bother to respond to your never-ending nonsense
Look around you - is anyone else bothering to attempt to discuss with you over your silliness? NO! Is there a lesson in there for you? I doubt it - I didn't bother with your last after the first personal jibe - that's the standard, kid:- The issue, as I see it, is that no one is willing to engage with you, and rather than introspect, you’re projecting that frustration onto me.
I’d wager this reluctance stems largely from your pattern of fabricating claims, attributing them to others, and then demanding they defend positions they never held. When they do engage, you ignore their responses, evade reciprocating by answering direct questions, and instead play the perpetual victim of supposed bad faith.
It’s the same tired routine: dismiss anything that doesn’t align with your views, declare victory without merit, and move on.
Frankly, there’s nothing to gain from engaging with someone who operates in such a manner.
And as if that weren’t enough, you repeatedly repost the same images in a transparent attempt to obscure your embarrassment.
For someone so eager to claim triumph, why are you behaving like such a sore loser?